armyof1, on 06 April 2013 - 07:20 AM, said:
It's pointless to claim things should be according to TT when there already are all these tweaks and changes to the rules in the first place and you know it. If I start a chess game with 3 queens, I can't still claim it's chess just because all other rules are still the same. MWO uses the parts that makes sense in an FPS and change the parts that don't. So asking for TT rules at this point is meaningless. What makes sense is asking for things that works in the game while avoiding parts that break it, which might or might not be according to TT.
No, MW:O doesn'T use parts that make sense in an FPS and changed parts that didn't. It's just a weird mix of TT stuff and self-made arbitrary changes.
Double Armour supposedly was implemented because combat was too fast. Completely understandeable. But why then give mechs triple the DPS? (And Triple the heat generation, without adjusting heat sinks? Didn't they consider that part of the balance of weapons was based on factors like range and damage per shot vs the investment in weight made via the weapon itself and ammo, and that increasing the DPS and HPS of a weapon that has most of this cost tied up in the weapon weight and not the heat sinks will make this weapon stronger this way then a weapon whose cost are mostly tied up in heat sinks?)
If only pin-point aiming was too be dressed by double armour to avoid instant kills, why keep the old armour ratios that only worked reasonably in the table top because on how hit locations were randomly assigned most of the time, not player-chosen? Isn't it obvious that with mouse aim and convergence, there is little reason to delibarely go after an arm if a center torso kill is likely to be faster than literally disarming a mech? And hey, speaking of instant shots - why give mechs such high heat capacities so that it becomes
more feasible to alpha-strike other mechs to death?
There is a lot guessing and randomly changing things involved, rather than forethought and deliberate design. Adopting to a real time game with player aiming via mouse requires changes from the table top, but that doesn't mean that
any change will do.
Edited by MustrumRidcully, 06 April 2013 - 07:34 AM.