I like watching videos of games that i play when i dont have the time for playing myself ( i tend to get sucked into it and "only 1 match" turns into 20ish and all my chores left undone

The beginning of the video, how you jet around on the snowy slopes reminded me of Tribes2 Katabatic, good memories, thanks for that.
One thing though and i dont want to critisize your piloting, but if the catapult pilot would have been any better, he would have killed you. (the Ilya with only projectile weapons was truly screwed tho unless he had taken more time to wait for a good opportunity)
Even before the hit detection fix, i would hit fast movers with at least 50% of the beam, it would spray all over the mech so no pin-point coring there, but 4 MLAS and such a long time would have been more then enough to kill a spider.
Just as his comment about legs costing money suggests, he might not be aware of HSR. >_>
Cant wait for built in voice com so we can all hear those people....it will drasticly improve the quality of drama videos