Tarys, on 07 April 2013 - 01:23 AM, said:
Funny how you (Teamien) and some others know how i play.
If the shoe fits, wear it. Only going by what you have posted. You've admitted that you don't go back with your team to fight them
- Does it matter if i am the only mech that goes back to our base to stand against 5+ enemy mechs and eat dust?
No, it mostly doesn´t.
- Can i "force" my PUG-teammembers to move as 2 lances instead of a zerg?
Sure not.
- Is it smart to avoid the own zerg and go the second way alone?
Depends on my mech but often it results in death and people would more likely say that i shouldn´t play Rambo and stay near the group.
- Do i have some chance of getting back from lets say the "middle" of the map with a mech going 50-60 kph?
Maybe if only one mech is capping.
Sounds like your problem is you are fighting cooridinated teams. PUGs don't band up and rush a base. If they ever do, its because someone stepped up as a leader and the others listened. Thats very rare however.
But one mech capping ain´t my problem with this game mode. As i said before i have problems with the people rushing as a fullgroup or at least 5 mechs directly to the base to completely avoid fighting. Guess most of the people who like this way to play need it for their e-peen called w/l rate ...
To make it clear i LIKE it if it turns out during a fight that one side tries to get to the cap and forcing the other side to react. That is actually a tactical decision made out of the fighting ...
The reason groups cap isn't to pad w/l stats (that will artificially inflate ELO scores). Its to break up the enemy team. More often than not, the PUG zerg will stay together, even if it isn't tactically smart to do so. But even then, 5-8 mechs in a single location, especially if it is somewhat defensible is a threat to focus fire. Even PUGs have the ability to focus fire the first thing they see. So to break up their formations, players rush for the cap.
This is effectively dividing and conquering. Basically you give the enemy an ultimatum, fight on our terms or lose. Fighting in MWO is all about who has the initiative, going for the base is the most straight forward means of doing this. Its not without its risks though. An enemy group that goes back together will sometimes bring the zerg with them and then there's a massive fight. However most groups are 2-3 so this doesn't happen too often, this is where you are seeing this frustration.
So cappers aren't avoiding fights, they are avoiding being focus fired. Again the best way to counter this, is to defend the base. You can make a PUG defend. Though its best to run in groups so that the zerg is more likely to stick around
And maybe some of the voters for "L2P" would be so nice to tell me why f.e. a timer of around 5 minutes before you are able to cap ain´t good? If both sides want to play rushmode you could basetrade and just sit on the enemy base. Then it would be decided by which side is having the most cap-modules. But that wouldn´t be fun for you too or?
Because there is only 15 minutes in a match. And yes it would promote more rushmoding. Players would know "hey I've got 5 minutes before it starts ticking, I have that much time before I need to worry about defending the base, so lets use that time to go to the other base" In other words it would give each team more time to rush the other base before suffering any bad effects from it.
Besides, it takes about that long for the slowest moving mechs to leave the area, what are they doing in that first five minutes when they are getting capped? Ignoring it? I think your problem either lies with you, or your team. Not the opponents. See this is why I call people out who hate cappers, they won't take personal responsibility for their losses:
Got capped? Should have defended your base.
Enemy had more ECM? Should have brought your own.
Enemy had more Lights? Could have brought a light mech yourself.
Enemy was in a group on voice? Should have been in a team of your own on voice.
Enemy blasted you at range? Should have had long range weapons.
Got beat by a cheese build? Just need to get better (boats are the most ineffective mechs on the field compared to mixed loadouts, at least IMO)
This isn't to say everyone should be in light mechs with ECM in groups on voice (though you can if you wish, I don't recommend it, as it will bite you in the ***). But blaming opponents or game mechanics isn't the way to go about it. Adapt and Overcome, and understand PUGs are PUGs and do PUG things. Never blame the PUGs, they are what they are and will be what they will be, and always have been what they've been.