Finally Gave It A Try, Few Questions
Posted 06 April 2013 - 10:08 PM
after i complete the mission, and do the final quit, the game stops responding and i have to restart/relog, any clue what might be up?
I can see the game being very addicting.. So far not doing that well.. but it sure is fun.
Posted 06 April 2013 - 10:25 PM
JC Daxion, on 06 April 2013 - 10:08 PM, said:
3 times the listed range on the bottom right of the screen.
It's a bug. Report it, please.
The game has a matchmaker. Keep playing and eventually it should hopefully put you against people equal to your skill.
Posted 06 April 2013 - 10:42 PM
There's been a few issues with the current patch. Some fixes went out but they don't address everything.
When you're ready to get a mech of your own... I went into detail on how in the post linked.
This will significantly improve your matches.
Hope that helps.
By the way, welcome to Mechwarrior Online. Note most people won't help you during a match, so come here for help with anything you encounter.
Edited by Koniving, 06 April 2013 - 10:56 PM.
Posted 06 April 2013 - 11:14 PM
Posted 06 April 2013 - 11:20 PM
So far i have been trying a few different trial mechs,, was thinking a med/heavy might make me a little less threatening?
Posted 06 April 2013 - 11:20 PM
-Dont run off on your own...stick to your teammates, assist them on their targets.
-Stay close to cover. Otherwise, long range mechs (snipers with ppc/ac´s/gauss) or mechs carrying LRM´s
will tear you apart within seconds. Generally avoid standing still, especially in the open.
-Try different mechs, so you can find your most preferred role. The gamestyle differs a lot between the weight classes.
-Heros in MWO are mostly ONE thing: Dead!
Its a teamplay game after all. A mech that is being focused by a whole lance will explode within seconds.
I hope this helps a bit, see ya on the battlefield

Welcome to Mechwarrior Online
Posted 06 April 2013 - 11:35 PM
JC Daxion, on 06 April 2013 - 11:20 PM, said:
So far i have been trying a few different trial mechs,, was thinking a med/heavy might make me a little less threatening?
I wouldn't rush on the band wagon to buy mechs with cash (ironic since I own all the hero mechs which are the most expensive). Best investment early on is buying additional mechbays as there's no other way to earn them... and way too many mechs for just 4 bays.
Most recommended mechs for new players are the Hunchback (4P or 4SP to start with), Centurion (9-A, 9-AL to start), and the Trebuchet (anything but the 7k for a starter). All three are mediums.
For heavies, avoid cataphracts until you're more experienced. Most complain about them due to their slower speed and big side torsos. Lots of firepower but not great for new players. Same for Jagers. This leaves Dragons for hit and run players (or the current Dragon trial mech is a sniper's rig), and Catapults which require a bit of a cost investment in changing its gear.
But since you mentioned it. Paint, camo, cockpit decorations, etc. are the other choices for cash. You should be able to get a hero mech or a 30 day premium and have some left over, too. But definitely get some extra bays. As you can see there's never enough.

(Also, I do not recommend the Awesome to new players. Though they can be fun once you get to learn how to control your arms independently from the body.)
If you absolutely have to get a hero mech,the Death's Knell and X-5 are among the lowest cost (I particularly like the X-5). Yen Lo Wang is a Centurion that sacrifices the missiles for a bigger cannon space, but has the issue of if it loses the right arm it's pretty neutered. The newest one Heavy Metal has the opposite issue, where it's pretty neutered if it loses the left side. 80% of people who have tried two or more mechs will say to go with the Muromets. I'm inclined to agree. Even the default rig is pretty good (just switch STD heatsinks with Doubles).
Edited by Koniving, 06 April 2013 - 11:46 PM.
Posted 07 April 2013 - 12:56 AM
been alive at the end a few times.. But mostly i think by shear luck, Pilot error has defiantly been a factor in my demise more than once. I haven't played a mech game in like 6+ years but boy is this fun..
I read someplace that you don't keep the trail mechs so that is whey i figured i would buy something during the sale. perhaps i should buy premium and spend 15 extra? So far i have been using that dragon, with 2 lazers and a gauss rifle. it seems to work pretty well. though thinking about a mech with jump jets, and perhaps ecm
Posted 07 April 2013 - 02:48 AM
JC Daxion, on 06 April 2013 - 11:20 PM, said:
So far i have been trying a few different trial mechs,, was thinking a med/heavy might make me a little less threatening?
i would reccomend premium time from this particular sale but every friday there is a new sale this however is not one of the better
as for the bugs ingame try to update your gfx driver to the newest if you use nvidia
for mechs id say go with a medium from start, hunchbacks and centurions are great medium brawlers. hunchbacks can carry a wide selection of weapons and allows "boating" in a way, centurions just refuse to die

most ecm mechs are lights with the only execption of atlas d-dc, most lights are very fun to pilot the ecm variant of the chassis but if you look to master you mechs in the pilot tree lights should not be your first choice, take a medium brawler learn the ropes and then for your second mech you could go atlas or raven thats the popular choices
Posted 07 April 2013 - 03:51 AM

As a good first mech, there is a bit of a consense that the Hunchback 4SP is a very good for new players, it can take a punch, put out some damge, is not to slow or to fast and does not put you in a specific role.
Posted 07 April 2013 - 04:48 AM
Don't be afraid to ask questions during the match, before the fighting starts. Some will try and help. Just don't listen to the ones that reply with "ALT-F4" as the answer to your question.
Posted 07 April 2013 - 05:48 AM
Good starters:
Light: JR7-D
Medium: CN9-D
Heavy: CPLT-C1/K2
Assault: Pretty much any Stalker
Posted 07 April 2013 - 06:33 AM
The player help forum is great with lots of friendly people, so stop by often. The general forum not so much, so I would avoid it until you are well and truly in to the game.
If I were you I would spend a good hour or so browsing this guide forum (not just the front page - dig a little deeper). Most questions have been asked by someone at some point!
Be sure to ask as many questions as you want, no question is too dumb! When I started I asked dozens of questions and people were really nice.
I would recommend you get out of trial mechs as quickly as possible and in to a nice medium. Hunchback 4SP is nice and some of the others people have mentioned.
Once you have got your first mech ask for help with some good builds.
Once you have your own ride, a decent amount of armour and double heat sinks your life expectancy will rocket!
Do not blow any real cash on mechs at this point. However a months premium time is on offer at the moment and this will help you really enjoy the game. Mech bays are cheap and another great thing to spend real money on.
See you on the battlefield.
Oops, logged on with my alt account. - Jabilo
Edited by Jeramiah, 07 April 2013 - 06:45 AM.
Posted 07 April 2013 - 08:30 AM
JC Daxion, on 07 April 2013 - 12:56 AM, said:
Trial mechs are in essence mechs loaned to you by the house, merc corp, or some loan shark (without having to pay back yay!) until you can get your own. Originally they were going to cycle once a week. Then once every two weeks. At the moment they cycle once a month with an MC sale occurring just a weekend before the trials cycle. Currently they will cycle during the patch on the 19th when the Highlanders become available.
There has been a new map with the last two 19ths and they say they are rushing out more, so we are likely to see another map then as well. With their efforts on these as well as increased functionality on the battlegrid, the fact that the map breaks every so many matches is understandable (they build it up, start installing these features, and then disable them due to not being ready just before the patch is released causing all kinds of problems). They made references to an asteroid map, as well as a number of other upcoming locations including another urban environment.
Now, usually Dragons function better as weight-class confused "lights" however that particular rig did work rather well. It was a custom made mech by a player during the trial heavy build contest. Its lack of heat issues is due to the double heat sinks, limited armament, and that Gauss Rifles generate virtually no heat. Most stock builds (aka trials) have vicious heat issues. However these can be solved through customization (as was the dragon's).
2 veterans play the new custom trial Dragon.
So, I'll list the mechs with ECM and the ones with jumpjets. Just to note in order to get the best possible use out of any mech, you need to get at least 3 variants of the chassis. (So if say Atlas, you need to get any 3 of the AS7-D, AS7-DDC, AS7-K, AS7-R to get the full potential out of any particular one, and level them up in the pilot trees).
Mechs with ECM. Listed in order of weight (more weight = carries more).
- Spider 5-D
- Commando 2-D
- Raven 3-L
- Cicada 3M
- Atlas 7-DDC
Remember that ECM is capable on these mechs. It does NOT come stock. You will need to buy it and install it with

Mechs with JumpJets. Listed in order of weight. If no variant listed, then all variants of that chassis carry it.
- Spider
- Jenner
- Raven 4X
- Trebuchets (5J, 7M)
- Cataphract 3-D
- Catapults C1, A1, C4
- Highlander (Released April 19th).
Jumpjets are great!
Just be careful of stacking. It looks cool. It was a lot of fun. But while it looked great from my perspective it's considered an exploit (was told how it looks from another perspective so that one time is the only time). Going into battle like this is now considered a suspendable offense. T'was fun though. It was so smooth I thought it was cute. Do NOT do this, I was warned.

Edited by Koniving, 07 April 2013 - 08:49 AM.
Posted 07 April 2013 - 10:32 AM
Posted 07 April 2013 - 11:10 AM

after about 15 matches last night i started to get the hang of it, though i was defiantly on the wiped out side more than once. It seems like in these random matches you can run up against a group that plays together and they clean house. One mission i thought i did great,,. Must of been full of newbies like me, cause i was the last man standing, and had 4 kills and 3 assists. I got into trouble about mid mission, and piloted my wait out of some LRM trouble, using buildings i took cover and ran, when i emerged on the far side i was behind the attackers. I took down 2 more enemies solo, then i got the message my base was under attack.. at this point it was between him and me.. I came up on him from behind, and made short work of his weak spot in front armor by a full on Gauss rifle + lazer attack.. I should of taken that as my Cue to goto bed.. can't go out any better than that. (from a newbie point of view).. Instead i played two more times and got schooled.. Was great fun though, now i am back today!.
But enough about my modest newbie moment.. I keep seeing get premium so perhaps that is a good idea, that gives you a C-bill/XP boost right? founders mechs, also give that bonus right? and that bonus stacks? What is the deal with hero mechs? are they like founder bonus?
My thought is, i don't really mind giving out a bit of cash, especially if getting a new mech would be helpful. From the cost, it looks like if i spend 15 bucks, i will get a month premium, and some mech bays.. perhaps i should just do that and keep using the trial mech i don't have to fix? Can you earn founder/hero mechs with money you earn in game? If i want to buy a mech looks like it will cost me another 15...
I played mech 3&4, but i noticed many of my favs are missing.. so i will have to figure out something i like. that dragon is doing me good right now. the gauss riffle can be hard to aim especially on those damn lights.. But it is satisfying when it takes down someone.
perhaps ill think about trying a trail hunchback today..
ohh one last thing, I am using the lastest nivida drivers from 2 months back, the only newer ones are considered Beta drivers.. should i give those a shot?
Posted 07 April 2013 - 11:22 AM
A good piece of advice in general is to avoid the lightest mechs in each weightclass, as they are the hardest to pilot effectively for a learner. But you seem to be doing well enough by the looks of it.
Posted 07 April 2013 - 11:30 AM
Hero mechs and mechbays can only be bought with MC (=real money). Founders mechs can't be purchased in any way and the Founders program is over, so they're not available anymore (though PGI has mentioned a new "Champion" mech that may function similarly to a Founders' mech). The bonuses stack.
Overall I think the most cost-efficient way to get mechs is to use cash to buy MC, spend the MC on premium time and mechbays, play and learn. With luck by the time you get a mech mastered you should have enough CBills for the next one.
Posted 07 April 2013 - 11:32 AM
I have been taking advantage of dying early, and hopping around to other pilots. I have defiantly learned a lot by being on winning teams, and dead.. a bit more than loosing teams and dead.. so ill look on the brightside when i can
Posted 07 April 2013 - 12:32 PM
I think i understand the store now too.. their are certain mechs listed at the top of the columns that only have the MC way to purchase, I am guessing this means real money is the only way to own them??
On the other side, I see i have almost 10m xp already, and it looks like i can start to purchase mechs.. But for the moment i am gonna keep gaining XP on the trial chasis.. guess ill give that hunchback a shot.
I see i also get some other types of XP, i guess there is piloting stuff to unlock? Not sure how that works yet.. For now i think i will just save up.. outside of buying mech slots, and premium
thanks again for all your help..
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