Yen-Lo-Wang: Very Limited Compared To Other Hero Mechs
Posted 07 April 2013 - 09:16 AM
It is one of 3 Centurians that I own, and it is the weakest of the lot. I run a D with ERLL, 2xmg, 2 ssrm and I have an A with 2xML, 2xmg, 2xssrm, and an LRM15. I routinely do more damage and have better success with either of them than my "hero" mech. I know that in part it is due to the homing nature of the ssrms/lrm, but the more important factor is the only thing hanging out there on that big right arm is a couple of MGs... my main weaponry is torso mounted. I am still a factor with either of these mechs when armless.
Suggestion: PLEASE move the energy weapon slots out of the center torso on the YLW. Put them both on one side torso, or split them. That way there is an option to actually go energy based rather than ballistic based.
Posted 07 April 2013 - 09:18 AM
Posted 07 April 2013 - 09:20 AM
YLW, for as much as I love the look and over-all feel of the mech, is broken because it's missing one of it's key features.
Posted 07 April 2013 - 09:27 AM
Posted 07 April 2013 - 09:30 AM
Posted 07 April 2013 - 09:34 AM
thats like 15 possibilities
Posted 07 April 2013 - 09:39 AM
verybad, on 07 April 2013 - 09:27 AM, said:
WhiteRabbit, on 07 April 2013 - 09:30 AM, said:
These guys pretty much nailed it.
Wang is a brutal little machine if used properly. Very fast torso twist - use that shield arm. ALWAYS use full armour on the 'gun' And keep it away from the bad guys as much as you can.
When its gone - The Wang is now a Zombie and can last for some time with just 2 mediums or medium pulse - stick and move - float like a butterfly sting like a bee - and, by the way, many of the bigger mechs are allergic to bee stings.
Use you cover, make you shots count. DONT stand still.
Posted 07 April 2013 - 09:43 AM
I don't even own one, but I have a LOT of respect for the guys that use it right.
Posted 07 April 2013 - 09:43 AM
This thread has been made several times before and it's futile.
I think what's funniest to me is everyone bases their experiences on low ELO matches considering ever since ELO was implemented I haven't seen a single Wang, not one, not even during this event have I seen any in the high bracket, because anyone with half a brain will blow the arm off.
And because I know someone is gonna ask, I know I'm in the high bracket cause you can ask Garth when he's on NGNG and he'll tell you.
Edited by haruko, 07 April 2013 - 09:47 AM.
Posted 07 April 2013 - 09:58 AM
I prefer to play the YLW distance mobile sniper to avoid even more damage from close in brawling. So I choose the gauss rifle, an ER large laser with similar ideal range to the gauss rifle, and a 300 XL engine. I stay at distance from the main fights and cover the map at 106 kph. You get 4 module slots when mastered which means I get every tactical module I need including advanced sensor range and cap accelerator.
Set up this way, then YLW becomes a play maker for the team. You scout, you cap, you decoy to draw mechs and fire (at distance of course), you skirmish, and you snipe. You will usually live in a YLW when the rest of your team is dead and still be able to harrass, cap, and antagonize the enemy mechs.
Not bad for 50 tons and only two weapons mounted. I only wish that you can camo it to a more understated paint scheme. It's painted to attract attention in a closed arena duel. You can use that to your advantage if you play a decoy role, but it's a liability if you want to sneak around with a red target painted on a white mech. It just can't hide very well or blend in at all. Nor does it have the firepower alpha to assassinate from behind up close. So you have to remain at medium to long distances to maximize your speed and range firepower. That being said, the YLW with gauss, ER large laser, and XL engine can still put up a respectable brawl if cornered or boxed in.
Posted 07 April 2013 - 10:02 AM
haruko, on 07 April 2013 - 09:43 AM, said:
And any pilot with half a brain will avoid getting his arm blown off.
I play my YLW fairly conservatively with an AC20 but I've upgraded my engine and maxed my armor. Likewise you probably shouldn't brawl in the thing or risk standoff attacks against an enemy team, but if you can skirmish and flank.... 600 damage gg.
Posted 07 April 2013 - 10:07 AM
Jade Kitsune, on 07 April 2013 - 09:20 AM, said:
YLW, for as much as I love the look and over-all feel of the mech, is broken because it's missing one of it's key features.
Yen Lo Wang said:
Edited by Joseph Mallan, 07 April 2013 - 10:10 AM.
Posted 07 April 2013 - 10:15 AM
Edited by BOTA49, 07 April 2013 - 10:15 AM.
Posted 07 April 2013 - 10:18 AM
Erik Hollister, on 07 April 2013 - 09:16 AM, said:
It is one of 3 Centurians that I own, and it is the weakest of the lot. I run a D with ERLL, 2xmg, 2 ssrm and I have an A with 2xML, 2xmg, 2xssrm, and an LRM15. I routinely do more damage and have better success with either of them than my "hero" mech. I know that in part it is due to the homing nature of the ssrms/lrm, but the more important factor is the only thing hanging out there on that big right arm is a couple of MGs... my main weaponry is torso mounted. I am still a factor with either of these mechs when armless.
So what you are saying is that you either don't like or are not good with large ballistics?
Ill agree that the YLW is very limited it what effective builds it can bring, but id take an AC20 or Gauss build over the other ones you have more success with, but thats because I love big cannons

Edited by Roughneck45, 07 April 2013 - 10:19 AM.
Posted 07 April 2013 - 10:20 AM
Roughneck45, on 07 April 2013 - 10:18 AM, said:

Likewise, big guns are a lot more fun to play with IMO.
Posted 07 April 2013 - 10:34 AM
The thing with YLW that's kind of different though is that it's limitations allow you do do a few things a little differently than you would with other mechs. The AC20 does solid damage out to 400m+, but few players ever carry enough ammo to use the gun at that distance. You can with YLW - you can carry plenty of ammo to not have to count your shots. And you can do that while still running around at 100kph and nearly full armor. 35-42 rounds is easy, and it makes the weapon able to fill in as what's effectively an AC20 or an AC10 depending on where you're engaging your targets. On any other mech where you do have more hardpoints, it's probably not a luxury you can afford to take... I like the mech a lot because of that - though I'd really REALLY like to have the AH back in the game as well. The AH was a beast.
Posted 07 April 2013 - 10:44 AM
verybad, on 07 April 2013 - 09:27 AM, said:
Hmmm.... reminds me of yesterday. 4 kills with my YLW in a short time.
The YLW is right the way it is. And you don't play a YLW if you are out for imba, the YLW is mech you also play for stile.
My YLW has a topspeed of 87, very close to max armor, XL-Engine, endo, 2 med pulse and an ac20 with 4 tons of ammo. And in a lot of games I am one of the topscorers and one of the last, if not the last one.
You just have to find a way to play with it. Use the speed, twist torso, spread your shoots if you have many enemies around you and aim well. I even hunt small ones with my YLW.
And I have 4 other Cents in my stable..... but in 9 out of 10 rounds I use my YLW.
If you don't like the limitations of the YLW then use an other cent.
Posted 07 April 2013 - 11:27 AM
haruko, on 07 April 2013 - 09:43 AM, said:
This thread has been made several times before and it's futile.
I think what's funniest to me is everyone bases their experiences on low ELO matches considering ever since ELO was implemented I haven't seen a single Wang, not one, not even during this event have I seen any in the high bracket, because anyone with half a brain will blow the arm off.
And because I know someone is gonna ask, I know I'm in the high bracket cause you can ask Garth when he's on NGNG and he'll tell you.
I used it in high ELO, but usually I'm the only one, in fact I never saw an other...
I would NEVER use it in 8v8 or clanwar, would be insulting.
Posted 07 April 2013 - 11:28 AM
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