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Bidding For People's Things- Clan Style, How Pgi Should Actually Give Away The Resources Of People Who Rage Quit.

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#1 Lord Psycho


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Posted 08 April 2013 - 08:19 AM

So for all of you guys unhpappy nad rage quitting and you've informally "told " PGI about it, I think PGI should runa Clan style bidding for their resources.

basically it'llbe a nice game of who can use the crappiest build to take out a PGI member in combat ( or nay PGI affiliate) and they can win the resources.

That is if they every get in to a match with them :)

Evil is as evil does.... Run away!!!!!!!

edit: maybe I should've said could instead of should.....grammar stammer

Edited by Lord Psycho, 08 April 2013 - 08:20 AM.

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