I know no computer code is simple.
However, I was playing on River city last night and someone asked "which way should we go..." and I realized that generally there would be 3-5 normal fights on the map based on mech speeds and which way people chose to go.
Then I realized there could be so many more withotu a ton more work.
Why not randomize which base our team spawn at?
1.) Base locations are set on the CQ maps already, IN Assault they can be in the same places on CQ (but only the ones we spawn on with show up that match).
2.) random set-ups would help scout role. Who knows where the other team is?
3.) The same geography turned 90 degrees + mech speeds make the same maps play differently, and cause unused portions to suddenly become viable places to go.
4.) 12 vs 12, could be split spawnacross 2 points each.
5.) Some points may be disallowed due to maps and LOS (Theta on River City, maybe on caustic)
6. PGI could add more bases, and which ones appear on any map could also be random. Maybe sometimes they cluster a bit, and are more defensible? Spawns coudd be locked out by distance so nobody spawns 500m from each other
7. Maybe in the future new lobbies people with command consoles can pick where to spawn (or vote if there is more than 1) at the lance level. lances without a console are randomly dropped.
8.More (feel free to add)
As I see it for , far less work than making new maps, PGI can extend the value and options we have on the current maps.by having the bases and or, our team spawns be randomly generated on map start.
Don't forget to vote in poll.
Edit: for typos.. Poll fixed so everyone can see it.
Edited by Egomane, 09 April 2013 - 12:56 AM.
Yes, No and Abstain are the only allowed answer in question one of a suggestion poll