buttmonkey, on 10 April 2013 - 03:21 AM, said:
what somepeople call hiding in a huddle others call making a plan.
many times have my team on ts been sitting there in cover calling targets and making a gameplan when boom, some douche just runs out and get face *****.
and we are sitting there like, great just throw your mech away, not only that but thanks for giving away our possition dumb arse.
if your in a light or something then why would you be hiding with the heavies unless your a support mech.
use your brain op, buy a light with ecm and be a scout ffs, help your team, they are waiting in cover for a target to lrm or snipe or some valid info on enemy possitions so fill that gap dont just charge in head first, it wont help you or your team.
If you're on comms and making a plan..SAY SOMETHING. Everyone else doesn't just automatically know what you're doing, and from outside your comms it looks like you're just standing there with your thumb up your arse.
That said, I know I'm occasionally... overly aggressive in my tactics. But no one is suggesting a frikkin' banzai charge. On the other hand, hiding there and waiting for the enemy to dictate the terms of the engagement is tantamount to handing them the match.
An organized team taking the time to figure out what they're going to do before doing it is one thing... if they actually do something. What the OP is referring to is the ones that sit there and hide while the team get's picked off one by one, and continue hiding the whole match. The enemy will eventually push around a position and start taking your flank apart, then sweep your whole team, even if no one had the balls to actually die fighting. It happens all the time, and if you tell me you haven't seen it, I name you liar.
So stop with the broken record crap of accusing anyone who wants to try to win, as opposed to trying not to die, of charging blindly forward.