Ok... Ive already got a Company with 3 Lances and thinking of adding a 4th (this is for the Roleplaying and Tabletop) so far in my other Lances:
Command Lance
1. Archer (Command mech)
Recon Lance
1.Phoenix Hawk
Fire Lance
1.Blood Kite
....im doing an expanded company, of course if you notice that my Fire Lance is mainly Clan mechs but my character has access to Clan tech.. I have ideas for my 4th Lance but i just want your guys opinion..if you dont mind!

Making my 4th Lance!
Started by GhostPenalty, May 31 2012 04:55 PM
8 replies to this topic
Posted 31 May 2012 - 04:55 PM
Posted 31 May 2012 - 07:15 PM
Well, without knowing more about your campaign or what your character's needs are it would be difficult to say. My gut-reaction is that you've got command and recon needs covered. I would look to add more straight-up attacking power. My second company would be two more attack-lances (mediums/heavies/assaults) and another recon/light lance.
The other thing I might look at, from more of an RP stand-point, is adding some inexpensive, supporting elements. For the price of a mech lance, I would expect you could field two lances of conventional tanks and some infantry. Useful for providing inexpensive coverage for your "behind the lines" areas, flanks, etc. They can also make inexpensive recon elements. According to Sarna', a single Locust will set you back 1.5MM CB. You could pick up a pair of Pegasus or J.Edger light tanks for that.
Depending on your finances, you may also want to consider some aerospace elements.
Depending on the rules, etc of your campaign, you may just want to invest in a larger tech corps or supply load-out.
The other thing I might look at, from more of an RP stand-point, is adding some inexpensive, supporting elements. For the price of a mech lance, I would expect you could field two lances of conventional tanks and some infantry. Useful for providing inexpensive coverage for your "behind the lines" areas, flanks, etc. They can also make inexpensive recon elements. According to Sarna', a single Locust will set you back 1.5MM CB. You could pick up a pair of Pegasus or J.Edger light tanks for that.
Depending on your finances, you may also want to consider some aerospace elements.
Depending on the rules, etc of your campaign, you may just want to invest in a larger tech corps or supply load-out.
Posted 31 May 2012 - 10:21 PM
I am guessing your starting in the late 60's or 70's. ThatBurrock starts production in 3066.
Either go with an expanded company by addidng a 4th lance. Or you can go with a Re-Inforced Company by adding Anti-Mech Infantry, Power Armor and Tanks. The tanks can by your Support Lance with Ranged Weapons.
Either go with an expanded company by addidng a 4th lance. Or you can go with a Re-Inforced Company by adding Anti-Mech Infantry, Power Armor and Tanks. The tanks can by your Support Lance with Ranged Weapons.
Posted 01 June 2012 - 09:19 AM
SInce these guys took the conservative route... Assault lance! Heavies and assaults all the way. Your current line up looks a little stand offish. You need some in your face nasties. Composition is up to you, but go all out

Posted 01 June 2012 - 09:34 AM
i think you should try and remove some of your lrm boats for a couple close range mechs.. you got 3 lrm boats in your command lance and another 3 in your fire-support lance. riflemans are also extremely lightly armored for a heavy and are pretty much just fire support mechs. that leaves the burrock as your only brawler mech. unless all of your support units are equipped with clan tech launchers you will be shredded due to the clans having even larger range. the only way i see that you could run this setup is if you use your recon lance as a spotter only. have the lrm boats pump out missles. the burrock on close defense of the missile launchers and the rifleman on AAA duty. your best bet on a 4th mech lance would be to get some mechs that could act as back up for your recon lance in case they get too close to the enemy to easily disengage.
edit. since i never actually gave any suggestions for the composition. i would go hunchback for close range brawling support. summoner for a quick response mech with decent firepower, a stormcrow as another quick responder than an awesome or zues for a heavy back up that could act as a vanguard. thug or himato chi would also work. note use ER PPC for the long range sniping to get enemies off your lighter units backs. most units won't chase into large amounts of firepower. the particle cannons plus the missile boats should be enough standoff capability to discourage any chasing units to stay far away.
edit. since i never actually gave any suggestions for the composition. i would go hunchback for close range brawling support. summoner for a quick response mech with decent firepower, a stormcrow as another quick responder than an awesome or zues for a heavy back up that could act as a vanguard. thug or himato chi would also work. note use ER PPC for the long range sniping to get enemies off your lighter units backs. most units won't chase into large amounts of firepower. the particle cannons plus the missile boats should be enough standoff capability to discourage any chasing units to stay far away.
Edited by dal10, 01 June 2012 - 09:40 AM.
Posted 02 June 2012 - 08:49 AM
If you're going with 3025 mechs for the fire lance i'd go for a Thunderbolt 5R-SS, its got a good energy weapons mix and can fight most ranges, then go for a Flashman FLS-7K, good armour, good speed and good firepower. Team that with a BL7-KNT Black Knight, again a good mix of weapons and armour and round the lance with a original Jagermech, long range fire power at no heat and the whole lance can move and fight at the same speed.
Posted 03 June 2012 - 06:30 PM
dal10 raised a good point, I never actually specified any selections.
For a good attacking-forward lance (supported by the others), I'd probably lean towards the heavier side of things. As mentioned, you've got a fair number of long-range support units already, plus a dedicated scout unit. So I'm thinking (budgets, game-environment, etc not withstanding) you make a strong "core" lance that the rest can support.
A few asserts: Inner sphere only, no specific time frame, no specific house/clan affiliation.
Focusing on direct-damage, big-hit weapons (as opposed to more support/missile oriented platforms). Looking for lots of heavy ACs, PPC, LL, and GRs. Or large arrays of medium ACs and lasers.
New Lance:
Pos. #1: Atlas or Awesome
Pos. #2: Hatamoto-chi or Victor
Pos. #3: Black Knight, Marauder or Penetrator
Pos. #4: Caesar, Warhammer, or Thunderbolt
Just spit-balling a quick lance. Anyone could easily make good, valid arguments for/against these or others, but you get the idea of what I'm suggesting.
Usage: You keep 'em in fire teams of two, close together so both mates can focus-fire on a single target each round, while the support lances rain down LRMs and the recon guys harass from the rear.
Then again, as I mentioned above, you've got some other good options as well depending on the make-up of your game. Really, I suspect that any additional units will only bolster your command.
For a good attacking-forward lance (supported by the others), I'd probably lean towards the heavier side of things. As mentioned, you've got a fair number of long-range support units already, plus a dedicated scout unit. So I'm thinking (budgets, game-environment, etc not withstanding) you make a strong "core" lance that the rest can support.
A few asserts: Inner sphere only, no specific time frame, no specific house/clan affiliation.
Focusing on direct-damage, big-hit weapons (as opposed to more support/missile oriented platforms). Looking for lots of heavy ACs, PPC, LL, and GRs. Or large arrays of medium ACs and lasers.
New Lance:
Pos. #1: Atlas or Awesome
Pos. #2: Hatamoto-chi or Victor
Pos. #3: Black Knight, Marauder or Penetrator
Pos. #4: Caesar, Warhammer, or Thunderbolt
Just spit-balling a quick lance. Anyone could easily make good, valid arguments for/against these or others, but you get the idea of what I'm suggesting.
Usage: You keep 'em in fire teams of two, close together so both mates can focus-fire on a single target each round, while the support lances rain down LRMs and the recon guys harass from the rear.
Then again, as I mentioned above, you've got some other good options as well depending on the make-up of your game. Really, I suspect that any additional units will only bolster your command.
Edited by Fergle Fergleson, 04 June 2012 - 10:15 AM.
Posted 03 June 2012 - 07:16 PM
Depends on how broken you want to get. If you go for full-on cheese with a Clan assault lance, you could try:
Dire Wolf D
Bane 3
Two hole-punchers/headcappers and two mechs with ridiculous crit-seeking ability (plus, the Dire Wolf D can also function as an effective anti-aircraft mech).
Interestingly, the total weapons count for this group is:
2 HAG-40
2 medium pulse laser
1 ER small laser
1 streak SRM-6
8 LRM-15
1 streak SRM-4
Alternately, substitue a Warhawk C, Dire Wolf A, or Turkina B for one or both of the Hellstars if you want the additional accuracy of large pulse lasers.
Seriously, though, can you better define the parameters of what you're looking for and what your restrictions are? Are you limited by BV, C-Bill costs, faction availability?
Dire Wolf D
Bane 3
Two hole-punchers/headcappers and two mechs with ridiculous crit-seeking ability (plus, the Dire Wolf D can also function as an effective anti-aircraft mech).
Interestingly, the total weapons count for this group is:
2 HAG-40
2 medium pulse laser
1 ER small laser
1 streak SRM-6
8 LRM-15
1 streak SRM-4
Alternately, substitue a Warhawk C, Dire Wolf A, or Turkina B for one or both of the Hellstars if you want the additional accuracy of large pulse lasers.
Seriously, though, can you better define the parameters of what you're looking for and what your restrictions are? Are you limited by BV, C-Bill costs, faction availability?
Edited by Wrayeth, 03 June 2012 - 07:19 PM.
Posted 03 June 2012 - 07:36 PM
Here are some suggestions I would think of.
The Flashman is very useful as it's an energy boat. No ammo with speed and armor. Medium to longish range.
Maruader, depending on the variant, heavy armour, good weapons.
Dragonfire, head capper and good firepower with excellent heat dissipation
Zues, depending on the model, good armour, firepower and speed isn't bad.
A variant that I would suggest for maybe zombie use, Thunderbolt. No XL engine so hard to kill from engine hits. Good armour and good mix of weapons.
If you want to go clan tech, Stormcrow prime. Energy boat, so cheap to use. Timberwolf prime, good all arounder and the alt configuration a is a brawler. Cauldron Born is a good one to use as well. Personally, never been a fan of the streak 6. Loose 10 missiles per ton of ammo versus the streak 4 or 2.
The Flashman is very useful as it's an energy boat. No ammo with speed and armor. Medium to longish range.
Maruader, depending on the variant, heavy armour, good weapons.
Dragonfire, head capper and good firepower with excellent heat dissipation
Zues, depending on the model, good armour, firepower and speed isn't bad.
A variant that I would suggest for maybe zombie use, Thunderbolt. No XL engine so hard to kill from engine hits. Good armour and good mix of weapons.
If you want to go clan tech, Stormcrow prime. Energy boat, so cheap to use. Timberwolf prime, good all arounder and the alt configuration a is a brawler. Cauldron Born is a good one to use as well. Personally, never been a fan of the streak 6. Loose 10 missiles per ton of ammo versus the streak 4 or 2.
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