Firstly, I have issues with using Elo in this game. Let me tell you why!

The Elo ranking system was originally designed for chess tournaments, with a numerical ranking that less gauged a players skill and more gauged their chances of winning or losing (It is likely a matter of opinion if these two things are actually seperate values). In a game such as chess, in which nearly every faucet of the game is under a single player's control, a win/loss chance is probably a good indication of their skill. If they lose, they only have themselves to blame.
However, last I checked, MechWarrior Online is a team game. We do not succeed or fail on our own abilities or merits. We have 7 other people (ideally, when the matchmaking doesn't throw a fit) on which to rely, and it is as much our teammates' decisions and 'skill' that will determine the outcome of any given match.
Additionally, MechWarrior Online is not a game of 1v1 duels; team work factors in to a very large degree, as you designed it to. Saying Team A and Team B each have 'an equal chance to win, roughly' doesn't mean much when it is entirely possible for players to be carried through games and thusly have their Elo ranking artifically boosted. If I have one particularly silly player who runs into the middle of an enemy lance and explodes in a several million Cbill fireball, it is quite possible my team can still win the match, and since Elo only cares about a win or a loss, that particularly silly player's Elo rank goes up (either a lot or a little, depending if we were the underdogs or not).
Now, to my understanding, the introduction of Elo was meant to give each team a fair shot at winning (though I don't think that was not the case before). If this is true, everyone should have a 1.0 or close win/loss ratio, as the law of averages should, if all odds are fair, bring us to a 1:1 ratio for *all* players that use the standard public matchmaking.
However, as of this writing, my win/loss ratio for conquest (the only mode I play) is 1.73. I'm not a particularly good player. This tells me that this implimentation of Elo is probably not working as intended.
But! This is a thread about an annoucement about changes to Elo, which implicitly states "Elo is borked." So maybe I'm right, about it not functioning as intended. To me, though, this less indicates 'we should fix our Elo system' and more 'Elo is needless and needlessly complicates the game'.
Now, I'll be completely up front about this: this is all based on my own understanding of Elo. From your Command Chair post about it, and from the Wikipedia article, that is as far as my knowledge of Elo rankings extends. I'm am neither a tournament chess player nor a statistician.
Additionally, what really bugs me, PGI, you already have a system for measuring 'skill' in this game: experience point rewards. Why not just use that? It's a mostly decent system that rewards teamplay and individual 'skill/ability'. Values would need to be tweaked, but nonetheless, it is vastly superior to a system that is designed for individual competition.
I used the latest Ask the Devs 36 to ask about Elo, but as it is only Monday, I've yet to see if my question is even worth an answer.
Also, yes, the weight matching has needed work for a long time now.
And those are just the more egregious that I remembered to screencap. It's endemic.
Anyway, my two cents. Hope you can take something useful away from it.
Edit: Typo
Edited by Vadim Krasvanya, 15 April 2013 - 01:48 PM.