Noobzorz, on 13 April 2013 - 09:30 PM, said:
Your either-or framework is basically the same one I saw bandied about on GameFAQs forums in the late 90s. It's too simple to be smart, and there are about ten million counterexamples that should make you pause and reconsider it. MWO is a little skeletal, featurewise, at the moment, and their confounding refusal to start messing with the weapon balance is infuriating, but there is no reason they can't match WoT.
Anyway, it's sort of ridiculous that you're comparing MWO and CoD. How are they at all alike? If we were doing a linear combination analogy, it'd be a stretch to even say MWO=(0.99*WoT)+(0.01*CoD).
Im not saying its either or. I am saying each caters to a specific type of pvp. Wot, hugely successful, caters to the i wanna tank crowd. CoD the I like fast paced action crowd.
Here you have the atlas/phract 4x i wanna tank crowd, and, the raven cicada i want fast paced action crowd. The hybrid it creates manifests in a few ways. Ravens man handing bigger mechs. Its a scout. Or it should be. The anti light threads. And most importantly the population size. If pvpers wanna tank, theyre not going for their atlas. Over 100,000 potential customers are going for their sherman m4s. And the majority of the fast paced twitch gamers, theyre not going for ravens, theyre playing call of duty, or whatever new fast paced fps is out today.
By partly appealing to both groups, you appeal to only the fringes of each. Embrace one or the other. Either were all flying over 100 kmph, JJing, and playing like a sprint modded knifer in cod, or were all taking cover, using angles, and focusing fire in a slower methodical tank like fashion like wot. Why take a little of each, when you could take alot from one or the other.
I hope the devs would prefer the tank side, but ive seen one who i shall simply call G, whom twitches around in his cicada like a cod player. He cant have this game afford him that power, and still appeal to the tanker crowd en mass, whether hed like to admit it or not.
So the two groups argue, and argue, and.... And the devs try to grab both, but in teh end, only appeal to their fringes and get few from either. I say we lean tank side. Take mwos community, all 100,000 of them. Rake in their money, expand like a balloon, and please then reinvest in the game so we can get a new map every week or two, and hopefully even things wed never even hoped for bc we havnt thought of them yet. More people, more money, better product.
Edited by I am, 13 April 2013 - 10:18 PM.