This is the perfect thing to implement as a module for MC. 5% XP boost. Then you can put it on whatever mech you want. Then it doesn't mess up the Pilot Lab variants list with artificial variants.
Relegating it to specific models of specific chassis also ensures it will only appeal to a subset of the population. For example, I have zero intention of picking up another Dragon. I own a 1C, Flame, and Fang, and I Mastered them for the sake of Mastering them but the chassis overall is bested by its peers and as of now I have zero intention of ever touching the chassis again. So while I enjoy spending MC and am looking forward to a Champion mech release that appeals to me, this Dragon likely won't be one that gets my money.
If it was a module, it would get everyone's money. Everyone interested in a 5% XP boost would buy it because they could put it on whichever mech they like to play. Instant sales boost, cleaner implementation. But forcing it clunkily as a faux variant is just mind boggling.
This is one concept I really hope they rethink into a better implementation.
Edited by jay35, 08 April 2013 - 01:08 PM.