It's BRAWLIN' Time!
9pm CT Monday Nights hosted by
We are currently ranking 47 pilots and have been running these Open to All for a month.
**Special thanks to cReddit, NGNGTV, Clan Black Sheep, Team Banzai, Kaos and DV8**
What: One on One and 2v2 duels
How: Join the teamspeak server Monday at 8:30pm CT to register and get in the ring at 9pm CT.
Where: &
When: 8:30 ct registration and rules introduction, 9pm CT - 11pm CT duels
The ONLY part of reg that you have to do is enter your name,email and password. You can do this in 2 min before your first drop if you like. The only other data entry involved is if you win a match. At that time you will have to pick the division it was in, the mech you brought and who you beat.
UPDATE: Sat EU Rumble League
We now have 3 hosts that have volunteered for an EU Arena on Saturdays. We are working on a time and should have it locked down by Tues the 10th. The first MWO:Arena EU league will tentatively be held on Sat the 13th, time tba. (current proposals are is 8pm BST,10am BST or 2pmBST)
This will be an MWO:Arena Sanctioned League and as such all participants will be pre-qualified and ranked for the upcoming MWO:Arena Dueling Tournament.
Current Host volunteers: DJ_Stymie, Panzer Magier and Cauldborn have volunteered to Host.Either Albeleo or Myself will also be there to organize and assist for the first couple of weeks.
MWO:Arena Divisions
Light: All Light Mechs, All Weapons and Equipment
Medium: All Medium, All Weapons and Equipment
Heavy: All Heavy Mechs ,All Weapons and Equipment
Assault: All Assault Mechs All Weapons and Equipment
Open: All Mechs, No ECM, No More than 3 streaks
Brawler: All Mechs, NO ECM,ERPPC,PPC or LRMs
MWO:Arena Monday Night League hosted by cReddit on
If your Pilot Name is not in the pilot drop downs on
http://www.credditmw...28/mwo-arena-ui list then you need to register.
Register at:
1. Your hosts are the final Ruling Authority during the drop.
2. Pilots that leave the Designated Arena Area for more than 10 seconds will be fired upon by all pilots.
3. Pilots that bring a Mech that is in violation of the drop restrictions will be fired upon by all pilots.
Grudge Matches may be exceptions to this rule , please ask your Host before the drop.
Non-Combatants that enter the Designated Arena Area will be warned and if the host deems necessary will be fired upon by all pilots.
Casters and Streamers may be exceptions to this rule , please ask your Host before the drop.
How it works:
1. (2) full teams sync drop in CONQUEST mode (each with a designated Host).
2. The hosts designate one or more Arena Areas and pilots report to their assigned area.
3.The team that dropped on the LOWER BASE declares their first pilot to fight. The upper base team responds with their pilot name. After this the teams alternate declaring and responding.
4. The first match should start by no later than 13:00 Pilots running recording software or live streams should fight as early as possible.
5. Pilots gather around the perimeter of the Designated Arena Area and are expected to the be prepared when they are called in.
6. Hosts will announce the start time of the match and the starting positions. Pilots firing prior to the start time will be disqualified (within reason).
7. Matches End after 1:30 and the standing mech wins (or the one with the most health). An exception to this would be Concurrent Matches where the time can be extended to 3:00
All Mechs standing at the end of the last match are valid targets in a Free-For-All.
http://www.credditmw...28/mwo-arena-ui *click the "+"
Current Monday Night top 10 in overall rankings
# Pilot W/L Win%
1 Vercinix 5/1 83%
2 TheMeatPuppet 13/3 81%
3 Rickrom 17/4 81%
4 Zero 4/1 80%
5 Spyingwind 15/4 79%
6 wolfcp 20/6 77%
7 SirLagsalot 12/4 75%
8 GMan129 13/5 72%
9 Krivvan 5/2 71%
10 DrAmnesia 7/3 70%