So far I have tried some of the user.cfg files and attributes.xml files I have seen on the forums here but to no avail. At present I am unable to get MWO to recognize the joystick at all.
The joystick in question is a Thrustmaster Hotas X.
Anyone able to get one of these working? I'd be happy to get it up and running and fiddle with tweaks later if there is a base config out there.
Or if its already should be working and there is something obvious I am not doing in the client to select it?

Cannot Get Mwo To Recognize Joystick
Started by Bloodscourge, Apr 15 2013 10:29 AM
8 replies to this topic
Posted 15 April 2013 - 10:29 AM
Posted 16 April 2013 - 08:26 AM
The very first thing to do:
Open Game Controllers in Device Manager.
To do this:
Open Control Panel
Go to Hardware and Sound
Click view devices and printers.
If your controller does not show here, check if you have installed the thrustmaster drivers for the device.
If windows does not see your device: Install the relevant thrustmaster drivers. Reboot. Test
If this does not help: Your joystick may be faulty, or it may not be installed correctly. Test the USB port as well.
If it shows:
Right click on it.
Choose the option game controller settings.
Click Properties
Test to see if the axes move and the buttons can be pressed and show on the test page
See if the Axes move and the buttons register when pressed. In this case your joystick should register in the client.
If windows sees your device:
Remember to go to options in the Mwo Client.
Click on an axis or button. If it flashes green you can change your assignment. Move the axis or press the button in question to assign it. It will either prompt you to change your assignment or that it is the same as before.
Open Game Controllers in Device Manager.
To do this:
Open Control Panel
Go to Hardware and Sound
Click view devices and printers.
If your controller does not show here, check if you have installed the thrustmaster drivers for the device.
If windows does not see your device: Install the relevant thrustmaster drivers. Reboot. Test
If this does not help: Your joystick may be faulty, or it may not be installed correctly. Test the USB port as well.
If it shows:
Right click on it.
Choose the option game controller settings.
Click Properties
Test to see if the axes move and the buttons can be pressed and show on the test page
See if the Axes move and the buttons register when pressed. In this case your joystick should register in the client.
If windows sees your device:
Remember to go to options in the Mwo Client.
Click on an axis or button. If it flashes green you can change your assignment. Move the axis or press the button in question to assign it. It will either prompt you to change your assignment or that it is the same as before.
Edited by Hammerhai, 16 April 2013 - 08:28 AM.
Posted 16 April 2013 - 09:02 AM
Ok so I am pretty sure I am not seeing sometihng in the MWO client options then. Windows sees the stick without issue. Where in the MWO client options should I be looking for assignments? Wondering if maybe I need to reinstall as I only see options to invert joystick etc. Nothing that would indicate that MWO would recognize any joystick at all.
Posted 16 April 2013 - 01:53 PM
Emulators are your friend. Everyone using emulator based controls (myself included) have been completely immune to every one of the game stoppers for the rest of the non-kbm crowd. I use TARGET for my custom built Thrustmaster Cougar, which is currently mounted in my new mechpit.
In the case of the T-Flight, your best bet would likely be to use UJR, but there are others that might work (JoytoKey, SVmapper, XPadder, GlovePIE, etc). The list of advantages is more than I want to get into here, but by using emulators you ultimately have better self support than one could ever hope to have in an official manner.
In the case of the T-Flight, your best bet would likely be to use UJR, but there are others that might work (JoytoKey, SVmapper, XPadder, GlovePIE, etc). The list of advantages is more than I want to get into here, but by using emulators you ultimately have better self support than one could ever hope to have in an official manner.
Posted 17 April 2013 - 05:37 AM
Sweet I will check that out.
I got it working with the stock support last night. And noticed that pitch and twist are still digital the analog portions of it are FANTASTIC though. Can't wait till they make those axis' analog as well!
I got it working with the stock support last night. And noticed that pitch and twist are still digital the analog portions of it are FANTASTIC though. Can't wait till they make those axis' analog as well!
Posted 17 April 2013 - 02:37 PM
Bloodscourge, on 17 April 2013 - 05:37 AM, said:
Sweet I will check that out.
I got it working with the stock support last night. And noticed that pitch and twist are still digital the analog portions of it are FANTASTIC though. Can't wait till they make those axis' analog as well!
I got it working with the stock support last night. And noticed that pitch and twist are still digital the analog portions of it are FANTASTIC though. Can't wait till they make those axis' analog as well!
There are analog axis available for Torso Twist, Pitch, Analog Throttle and Analog turn. The right side of your options screen should list the Commands and key mapping, etc. In the lower half of the available commands/controls, the axis I listed above can be found. There are three columns to the right. The third column is the "Joystick" column, which is where you bind axis and buttons, etc.
Posted 18 April 2013 - 01:25 PM
I just looked again in the options and while there is Analog Throttle (got this workingand is amazing) and Analog Turning (got this working and is amazing)
Pitch and twist are not Analog even under options and are definitely not when in game. They are all or nothing for those 2 axis.
Pitch and twist are not Analog even under options and are definitely not when in game. They are all or nothing for those 2 axis.
Posted 18 April 2013 - 04:48 PM
Bloodscourge, on 18 April 2013 - 01:25 PM, said:
I just looked again in the options and while there is Analog Throttle (got this workingand is amazing) and Analog Turning (got this working and is amazing)
Pitch and twist are not Analog even under options and are definitely not when in game. They are all or nothing for those 2 axis.
Pitch and twist are not Analog even under options and are definitely not when in game. They are all or nothing for those 2 axis.
Pitch and Twist (near the Analog Throttle and Analog Turning) *are* analog controls.... they are just not explicitly labeled as analog. This is probably because those axis have always been analog, so they probably didn't see the need to add 'Analog' to the label.
Click your mouse into the Joystick (3rd) column field for Pitch, then when it prompts you, move your stick's Y axis. It should then be assigned to that field in the Options menu. Click into the Twist, and move the joystick axis you want for that to get Twist assigned.
Posted 22 April 2013 - 02:00 AM
I have the same joystick and works. Slow but works.
Not all keys are mappable (you can assign C: torso center to legs but not F: center legs to torso or minimap etc..)
If you want increase the fast of torso moviments you have to work with config file.
Not all keys are mappable (you can assign C: torso center to legs but not F: center legs to torso or minimap etc..)
If you want increase the fast of torso moviments you have to work with config file.
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