1. These are suggestions for long term plans, everybody already knows the bugs should be the top priority.
2. I haven’t read everything PGI has said about their priorities or long-term plans. These are ideas for the sake of having ideas so keep your “but the devs already said…” to yourself. If they're not interested, that’s cool with me.
Okay, Meat and Potatoes (3 parts)
1. On the Factions
To get players to consider the factions deeper, there should be rewards for being part of certain factions. Limited-time bonuses or sales on ‘mechs, weapons, and paints could be faction-specific. You’d have to actually play a game on their side in order to gain any benefits, and toss aside your standings with your previous one. People can explore what it’s like to play as a mercenary, or prove their loyalty by sticking with one faction in spite of that “something shiny”. This could keep people from arbitrarily choosing factions, or one faction becoming the dominant force in every battle.
Also, ISN news updates could be tailored for which faction you’re currently playing for. Propaganda will accentuate their values, helping players know which faction they belong to.
2. On The Invasion, and Timeline
Instead of parallel time frame progressing through the BT universe: Multiple Eras. This creates the possibility for every mech to be playable. And we wouldn’t have to wait twenty years for that one chassis we always loved. But, of course, mechs (and any weapons they carry) will be restricted to certain eras (yeah, that Fafnir with quad continuous lasers doesn’t belong in the Star-League era[silly rabbit]).
Just think: More mechs, and PGI can simply modify their existing maps slightly to add the impression of time. And if the Clan mechs are too OP in your opinion, you can go back when your Mackie is still the biggest bad-*** of them all. Available tech adds another dimension of strategy.
3. In-game achievements
As I said, I haven’t read if PGI is already looking into this. If not, it’s a no-brainer in my opinion.
Achievements like: # Victories in a row, Kills in a match, longest-ranged kill, most damage, destroying a ‘mechs cockpit, guns, legs, etc. Some could be one-timers like “Shoot an atlas in the butt” and others can count up like “10 kills with LRM” to “100 kills with LRM” and so on. Could also be part of my aforementioned faction-benefits, rewarding you for staying loyal the best one (you know which one I mean).

Submitted For Your Approval
Started by Jarvis Lancaster, Apr 15 2013 01:17 PM
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