4 matches in a row. Either I or every mech around me was constantly teleporting around. The game is unplayable for me. I've been playing since closed beta, and this is the worst problem I have had yet. Any suggestions on how to fix this?

Started by Wheelgunner, Apr 16 2013 11:46 AM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 16 April 2013 - 11:46 AM
Posted 16 April 2013 - 12:40 PM
Jax514, on 16 April 2013 - 11:48 AM, said:
Can you send in a support ticket with your modem/router, ISP, and a pingtest? The devs are currently working on this issue and need more data.
Can you send in a support ticket with your modem/router, ISP, and a pingtest? The devs are currently working on this issue and need more data.
Can you clarify on what you mean by pingtest? If you can bullet-list all the information you need, I'm sure we can get sufficient datapoints the devs need to formulate a fix.
Posted 16 April 2013 - 12:59 PM
Onij74, on 16 April 2013 - 12:40 PM, said:
Can you clarify on what you mean by pingtest? If you can bullet-list all the information you need, I'm sure we can get sufficient datapoints the devs need to formulate a fix.
A guy from support gave me this list of things to gather (should give them all they need):
What type of internet connection do you have?
Please describe your network:
-Brand/Model of your modem
-Brand/Model of your router (if separate from the modem)
-Connection method; are you connecting through an ethernet cable or through WiFi?
-Are you able to test through ethernet if you're currently using WiFi? What was the result?
What is the advertised speed of your connection?
Where are you located geographically?
What antivirus/firewall software do you have? Does the issue persist if you disable this application(s)?
Please run a trace route and a ping test to our servers:
Trace Route:
-Press Windows Key + R
-Type CMD
-Click OK
-In the Command Prompt, type: tracert
-Take a screenshot of the results once it's done and attach it to your reply
Ping test:
-Visit pingtest.net
-Select a server in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
-Run the test
-Take a screenshot of the end results and attach it to your reply
**pingtest.net gives information on connection jitter, which a regular ping test would not give us, which is why we request our players use this for testing.
Please attach your DxDiag and most recent log files;
There are two important log files, with similar naming:
-One starts with Omicron Build
-One starts with OmicronOnline Build
Logs from the current day are in the MechWarrior Online root directory, named Omicron.log and OmicronOnline.log
If you're submitting about an issue that happened on a previous day, the LogBackups folder will contain those logs, which are dated
By default, this is the installation path for the game: C:\Games\Piranha Games\MechWarrior Online\
The LogBackups folder is in this directory as well.
How to obtain and attach a DxDiag:
-Press Windows Key + R
-Type DxDiag
-Click Save All Information. If prompted about WHQL drivers, click no.
-If the Save All Information button is not present, simply click on Run (32/64 bit)DxDiag. The Save All Information button will appear after the diagnostic.
-Attach the file to your support ticket.
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