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Adopt A Medium!

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#41 stjobe


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 07:53 AM

View PostBatWing, on 17 April 2013 - 07:03 AM, said:

I am Elite on both Chassis since long time. I have over 380K experience on the CN9-A and HBK-4sp

If we're throwing stats around as appeals to authority: I've long since mastered the CN9s, have about half a million XP on them and close to a thousand drops in them. I favour the A over the AL over the D.

Speed isn't as all-important as the poster above claims. It IS important, but not to the exclusion of everything else - unless, of course, you're running the -A triple-ASRM-6 brawler and can't reach out beyond 270m. Then speed is indeed paramount.

As I posted on the previous page, I'm having great fun (and success) lately with a rather stock-like build, and it only has a 200 STD engine (tops out at 71.3 with Speed Tweak).

With a mixed load-out like the one above you can perform a multitude or roles in the same match - you can snipe with the UAC, you can fire indirectly with the ALRM, you can hurt lights with the MLs and Streaks - and you put out a 28-point alpha between 270 and 180m.

This means you can deal damage at any range from point-blank out to 1,800m. Basically, if you can see them, you can hurt them - and with your ALRMs you can hurt them even if you can't see them, as long as someone on your team does.

This was my first drop with the loadout (which I changed to from the standard -A triple-ASRM-6 brawler):

Posted Image

Not too shabby for a "slow" medium, right?

#42 jper4


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 07:53 AM

View PostDoctor King Schultz, on 17 April 2013 - 05:15 AM, said:

I can't wait for that. It's not much fun being the only medium on a team with 7 heavy/assault, playing against a team of 7 or 8 heavy/assault. Speaking of which, we might also need an 'Adopt a Light' program if that keeps up. :) And that was more than a few matches last night.

i've had that happen to me a few times. i notice lights tend to come in swarms. i'll have 0 in two matches, then 3 in one match, then 0 for two more, then 4, then 0 for tormaline or desert conquest maps, then 2 for river city assault. of course these limitations seldom seem to apply to the other team- they always seem to have a proper number of lights for whatever map that turns up. oh yeah and the friendly ravens are the usually X-class ravens (other team gets 3Ls) though jenner distributions tend to be pretty even on both sides with a stray spider/commando mixed in. actually seeing more cicadas "assault lights" than either lately.

#43 Para B


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 08:41 AM

It warms my heart to see so much love for the Mediums in here.

I haz a fuzzy feeling now.


#44 Koniving

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Posted 17 April 2013 - 09:04 AM

To help this worthy cause along!

Hunchbacks, split screen.

Getting the dust off the 4SP after it's sat for months.

Second try in a Hunchback 4H default rig. 691 damage.

Hunchback LRM boat.

Trollbuchet flamer, mg, and srm build.

Flamer Centurions. Music, Starcraft firebat puns, etc. start after I start making circles with the flamers.

Pre-ECM Cicada 3M test build, the shotty-cricket!

#45 Majorfatboy


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 09:06 AM

Fear not! Some of us have long since given warn, combat-rich homes to many a medium mech!

True, My founders hunchie doesn't get touched, but that's because I'm too busy with My three Centurions and three Trebuchets. The cent-A "Flash Gordon" is a personal favorite, with his bro the cent-AL being next in line, and My treb-5J "Derpychet" is currently one of My fave laser boats (4 med lasers, 1 ER large laser, jumpjets, big sd engine, AMS, and a crapton of DHS).

#46 Appogee


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 09:12 AM

I'm almost exclusively an X-5 pilot.

I love the speed and I love that it makes me play more intelligently - choosing when and how to engage - rather than just waddling up in an assault and blasting away.

My k/d is about 2:1 over the past week of playing and I'm happy with that because I think success in Mediums takes skill.

#47 BatWing


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 10:14 AM

View Poststjobe, on 17 April 2013 - 07:53 AM, said:

If we're throwing stats around as appeals to authority: I've long since mastered the CN9s, have about half a million XP on them and close to a thousand drops in them.....

Well, when i posted my comment i didn t mean to show how my E-***** is bigger than yours... but is interesting to see how ppl just has to come harsh back to comments... Ok, your E-***** is bigger than mine, do you feel better now and better realized in your life?

I hope a few more readers understood my intent was just to explain I am throwing a suggestion based on a few hours of gaming. Taking as you like, useful or not.

Also, agree or not agree about Speed, that does not change anything. It is a suggestion. In my opinion it stays a "strong" suggestion.

No need to post screenshots about results to confirm how your E-***** is solid... We know nothing about your enemies participing on that drop, that screenshot doesn t really tell us much, it s just a quite presumptuos way to use public forum space.

As i said, the person who asked for a suggestion is free to take any suggestion and tailor the results on his own style.

To me as an example, your Cn9-A "multirole" config at the speed of 71kph sounds just ugly but hey, if you have fun with it, good for you.

#48 LordBraxton


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Posted 17 April 2013 - 10:16 AM

I bring my mediums out and do like 270 measly damage.

Then hop back into a heavy or assault and do 400-800 with some of those crazy matches where you get like 900-1100.

My bucket and cent need much much love

In the form of buffed SRMs

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