Inkarnus, on 18 April 2013 - 02:19 PM, said:
I dont say they need to put all off it back but if they would make it 100% functionable
and you cant skip the process it can work
i dont talk that everything was right in the past but the devs didnt obviosly repair it and instead of repairing
it they canceled it
I dont say the system was totally fair but we got alot of diversity and communication
wich atm isnt happening cuz u dont need it or dont care
but it forced you too evolve get better at the game and not riding the "chuchuchu" op train
or running to the next enemy and pewpew die losing the win for the team inbetween
The problem is that there will always be people who can afford to run the 'chuchuchu op train'. So you would rather only a few could do this and everyone else would be stuck in trial mechs?
Guess what? When R&R was in a lot of players ran cheap builds and ran right at the closest enemy and 'pewpew' to die and quickly jump into another match to grind Cbills. So R&R or it's absence has had absolutely no effect on this style of play.