Heat isn't going to stop Clan Gauss, LRMs, Streaks, and UAC's from being utterly broken. Heck, even Clan ER Medium Lasers will be hella abused because it's a 1-ton version of the IS Large Laser.
Also, Clan vs. IS only asymmetrical drops aren't the panacea that they sound like on paper. Reasons:
1. You split up friends. What if Billy is an IS roleplayer and Joe is a Clanner enthusiast, and the two get on Teamspeak every day and play MWO together until the sun goes down? Are people just supposed to never play their favorite faction again if they want to play as a team with their friends?
2. Good luck finding a magic ratio that works. 5v8 in TT is different than 5v8 in MWO, because here we have min/maxing and convergence. In TT, a Clanner's stronger weapons could end up spreading their damage all over the place on a mech and therefore it wouldn't make as much of an impact...and you couldn't min-max to your heart's content without packing some serious moolah. Here, they are going to hit your center torso more often than not and you can refit your mechs for free after you buy the equipment once. Also, we don't have BV or tonnage matching in any form, and I'm pretty sure the devs said they don't plan on any sort of BV. Point is, a Clan mech in TT does not have the same worth as a Clan mech in MWO and never will. Maybe it'll be less, maybe it'll be more. We can't make that judgement based on random-variable board games. We have to judge it by the FPS mechanics of MWO.
No matter what number is chosen, it is more likely than not going to favor one side over the other instead of having a 50/50 chance of winning for each.
Edited by FupDup, 18 April 2013 - 06:26 PM.