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Do You Think Mechwarrior Should Support A Lower Graphical Setting To Give Players Higher Fps?

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Poll: MechWarrior should offer better performance. (374 member(s) have cast votes)

Do you think MechWarrior should support a lower graphical setting to give players a higher FPS?

  1. Yes (210 votes [50.97%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 50.97%

  2. No (78 votes [18.93%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 18.93%

  3. For players who need it. (113 votes [27.43%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 27.43%

  4. FPS means Frames Per Second? (11 votes [2.67%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 2.67%

What graphic settings do you play MechWarrior on?

  1. Low (170 votes [40.96%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 40.96%

  2. Medium (59 votes [14.22%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 14.22%

  3. High (27 votes [6.51%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 6.51%

  4. Very High (31 votes [7.47%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 7.47%

  5. Maxed (102 votes [24.58%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 24.58%

  6. I don't know. (8 votes [1.93%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 1.93%

  7. Pie. (18 votes [4.34%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 4.34%

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#101 Catamount


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Posted 07 May 2013 - 05:46 AM

He's a petulant child jumping up and down and yelling for attention, and should be treated as such.

My laptop almost gets 30fps, and it was mid range more than 3 years ago (1.6ghz i7-720QM, Mobility Radeon HD 5730), on top of being a mobile platform. My four year old desktop that I just replaced, with a non-OCed Phenom II X4 965 and a Radeon HD 5770 got into the 40s on medium without a problem (minimums were in the 30s). A friend of mine in Marik has a Q6600 and a Radeon HD 4870. He has no trouble getting good framerates on medium settings either. Another has a mobile Core i5-450M, an old mobile dual core (hyperthreaded, at least), and a Mobility Radeon HD 5870M, and he did fine on medium settings, more than well enough to play in the competitive drops for the FWLM Marik Civil War that he lead our unit in.

Of course, they were running video cards that actually exist, so it's no wonder their computers were able to easily render the game :)

Edited by Catamount, 07 May 2013 - 05:48 AM.

#102 Torque Spike


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Posted 07 May 2013 - 05:57 AM

My options page shows the graphic slider at very high as the highest selection. Should I have a max? I'm runnin a 670 so I can run it. I just cant select anything higher than very high.

#103 Catamount


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Posted 07 May 2013 - 07:10 AM

View PostTorque Spike, on 07 May 2013 - 05:57 AM, said:

My options page shows the graphic slider at very high as the highest selection. Should I have a max? I'm runnin a 670 so I can run it. I just cant select anything higher than very high.

Very High is the highest setting in MWO, and yes you definitely should have no trouble running it at that :)

#104 warp103


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Posted 08 May 2013 - 09:24 AM

View PostJuicebox12, on 07 May 2013 - 05:28 AM, said:

This warp guy is a chronic liar. Still haven't addressed the fact that you "own" 2 computers with video cards that haven't passed production phase yet. None of your arguments prove any knowledge of any prior pc experience. Then we come down to the issue that people with lesser pc's then your quoted rigs are getting higher framerates at the maximum settings on a regular basis. Yes the game is demanding, but its not downright impossible to run at decent framerates. I have friends running old q6600's with 6750's getting 50 fps on medium settings. Thats a 3-4 generation old mid grade quad core just to clarify since you have no grasp on hardware.

ok crack heads here is the link to newegg for the 7450 on of the card he could not find.http://www.newegg.com/Product ,/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814196047 ,http://h30094.www3.h...ct/sku/10402903 . as for the other http://search.dell.i...-radeon-hd-7650 . funny how am call liar when these cards are all over ebay {look at other nations}and if you are a selected to Alpha/beta test. Most times you have to give the parts back but some times you get to keep it. So to you both see the links and kiss butt because you either do not have a clue are do not know how to search. Oh and the ebay one is still there but I proved my point.

View PostCatamount, on 07 May 2013 - 05:46 AM, said:

He's a petulant child jumping up and down and yelling for attention, and should be treated as such.

My laptop almost gets 30fps, and it was mid range more than 3 years ago (1.6ghz i7-720QM, Mobility Radeon HD 5730), on top of being a mobile platform. My four year old desktop that I just replaced, with a non-OCed Phenom II X4 965 and a Radeon HD 5770 got into the 40s on medium without a problem (minimums were in the 30s). A friend of mine in Marik has a Q6600 and a Radeon HD 4870. He has no trouble getting good framerates on medium settings either. Another has a mobile Core i5-450M, an old mobile dual core (hyperthreaded, at least), and a Mobility Radeon HD 5870M, and he did fine on medium settings, more than well enough to play in the competitive drops for the FWLM Marik Civil War that he lead our unit in.

Of course, they were running video cards that actually exist, so it's no wonder their computers were able to easily render the game :)

As to you, I posted 220 to your 2000+ so who needS attention ?? with 10x more post. wow. Anyway tired of entertaining you 2 fools LATER. And off to iggy you go.

Edited by warp103, 08 May 2013 - 09:33 AM.

#105 Juicebox12


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Posted 08 May 2013 - 10:25 AM

View Postwarp103, on 06 May 2013 - 02:24 PM, said:

You are missing the point i have 3 comp towers. 1 is a 4core amd 9950 2.5{oc) with 4g of memory amd gpu hd7650 2tb drive 250ssd game drive, next is a Phenom II X4 965 BE 3.4GHz{oc} with 8g of memory amd gpu 8760 2tb drive 250ssd game drive. last is the i7 995 @ 3.60Ghz with 32g of mem amd radeon hd 8970{i forgot i remove the nvida{and transposted the 89 edit}} 4 2tb drives 2 250sss drive{only one for games}

Say what again Mr? Seems to me you said 8760 and 8970.... Care to clarify whats going on in your head full of lies?

Put down the crack pipe before you throw the first rock.... You are a liar, and things on the internet that you say aren't like your lies in real life where people just take them for the truth and forget about it.

Edited by Juicebox12, 08 May 2013 - 10:28 AM.

#106 Catamount


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Posted 08 May 2013 - 12:51 PM

View Postwarp103, on 08 May 2013 - 09:24 AM, said:

Had you bothered to look at the computers returned by that search, you'd see that they're of the form factor for mobile cards. In other words, those are 7650Ms.

Wikipedia and AMD are still unaware of this fictional card, but of course, since you know that refutes your assertion, you don't bother to answer that point.


funny how am call liar when these cards are all over ebay {look at other nations}and if you are a selected to Alpha/beta test.





Nope, looks like you're still wrong. Sorry.

You're also still wrong when you say a 7600 card isn't significantly faster than a 7400 series card, still wrong when you say a CPU bottleneck is only demonstrated by your juvenile testing method of going "gee, the task manager doesn't show my arbitrarily decided 90% CPU load! HERP DERP", and you still haven't managed to make a point out of all that. Additionally, you could stand to get some remedial training in basic grammar.

Would you like fries with that?


As to you, I posted 220 to your 2000+ so who needS attention ?? with 10x more post. wow. Anyway tired of entertaining you 2 fools LATER. And off to iggy you go.

Right, I actually contribute to discussions, and give people help, while the sum of your posts is you runing off and picking fights on the Interwebz. Tell me again how you aren't a petulant child jumping up and down for attention.

I've also been here three times longer. Whoops, your bad.

Edited by Catamount, 09 May 2013 - 06:09 AM.

#107 Quinn Allard


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Posted 09 May 2013 - 05:29 AM

My whole analogy was to point out the difference to the person. It was for those saying " humans can only see 25fps so 60fps will feel the same bla bla". I was merly pointing out that to someone who has experienced 60fps, 25fps is like playing the Wii or N64.... thats all, no argument intended.

On a side note I agree Corvettes could be made with more care, however, they are still fast cars and have better performance/cost ratios then European rivals.

#108 SerpentrasD


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Posted 09 May 2013 - 07:57 AM

It would be good if every pilot can see mechs at the same distance but thats it. IF the players with a weak platform wan to play it with a great view distance they should get ugly textures and models for everything behind 100 meters.
I played on a 20 FPS machine with an ultra low config to run the game it self with avg 20 frames and drop down to 10 for heavy brawling battles like 4vs4.
Same machine with the replaced and Fixed GPU, the game run now with ultra settings and also a tweaked user config for more details.

The only thing that matters is that every Pilot notice an enemy mech at the same distance and thats it.
I played that game with a ATI HD 3780 and a Intel HD 4000 onboard gpu and it was playable and everyone who will told something different are just people who also only can sleep in a bed who is worth of 800$.

Maybe I feel this way because I don't need every new piece of junk . Except for the PC I don't even have modern tech, not even a fridge.

Edited by SerpentrasD, 09 May 2013 - 08:06 AM.

#109 Davy J0nes


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Posted 10 May 2013 - 01:00 AM

Running the game with ....

Processor: Intel core i7 2.40Ghz
Installed memory 6.00 GB
Windows 7 64-bit
Nvidia Geforce GT 650m

And one moment the game is running at 50-60 fps and then the next thing will drop to 7fps at times.

#110 Catamount


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Posted 10 May 2013 - 05:43 AM

View PostFanto, on 10 May 2013 - 01:00 AM, said:

Running the game with ....

Processor: Intel core i7 2.40Ghz
Installed memory 6.00 GB
Windows 7 64-bit
Nvidia Geforce GT 650m

And one moment the game is running at 50-60 fps and then the next thing will drop to 7fps at times.

Yeah, it's the minimums that kill you :/

Still, that's unusually low for that setup, as that's quite a solid laptop right there. If it happens frequently enough to be a problem, I suggest you create a thread on that and see what advice you can get, because MWO shouldn't be getting that low on your machine. If it does happen more than occasionally, the first thing I'd check for is thermal throttling on either the CPU or GPU.

Edit: nevermind, I see where you posted elsewhere. We'll see what we can come up with over there.

Edited by Catamount, 10 May 2013 - 05:45 AM.

#111 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 10 May 2013 - 07:53 AM



Some of the cards he listed appear to be OEM cards so they are likely not purchasable straight off the shelf but either as a replacement or salvage.

Radeon HD 8760 (OEM) is an OEM only, fast-middle-class GPU based on the GCN architecture.
It offers 640 Shader Processing Units on a 128-bit interface of fast GDDR5. The central unit is clocked at 1000MHz. It offers 16 ROPs and 40 TMUs. It should draw up to 80 Watts.
It's, therefore, a renamed Radeon HD 7770 and should perform exactly like it.

That will be all, as warp is doing enough of a job with his own shovel, that is until the walls collapse /shudders.

Fanto, agree with Catamount. One of the major things with laptops is the heat threshold is much lower than a desktop. On top of that is the possibility of a program, something like Windows Media Player Sharing causing issues. When it kicks in it can literally suck up all the cpu usage.

Edited by Tarl Cabot, 10 May 2013 - 08:00 AM.

#112 Lord of All


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Posted 10 May 2013 - 03:02 PM

View PostFanto, on 10 May 2013 - 01:00 AM, said:

Running the game with ....

Processor: Intel core i7 2.40Ghz
Installed memory 6.00 GB
Windows 7 64-bit
Nvidia Geforce GT 650m

And one moment the game is running at 50-60 fps and then the next thing will drop to 7fps at times.

Sounds like you need a custom user.cfg. I don't know anything about laptop gou's but post in the hardware section and those guys should be able to help you cull out the setting that is offloading to your cpu and grinding you to a halt.

#113 TehSBGX


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Posted 10 May 2013 - 03:07 PM

I have a gtx 650 that I got last month and since a couple patches ago I have to run the game on Low for a good framerate, when I first got the game I could run it on Medium with about 45 fps. This Game seems to run weirder each patch so Ultra low might be a good idea until things get really smoothed over.

#114 Lord of All


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Posted 10 May 2013 - 03:24 PM

View PostTehSBGX, on 10 May 2013 - 03:07 PM, said:

I have a gtx 650 that I got last month and since a couple patches ago I have to run the game on Low for a good framerate, when I first got the game I could run it on Medium with about 45 fps. This Game seems to run weirder each patch so Ultra low might be a good idea until things get really smoothed over.

I have to ask, Why would this be a good idea now that it affects you? I run on Highest but still feel it should support lower resolutions for everyone.

Sorry to single you out but I see this mentality all over this board. It's like the larger part of this community have no empathy whatsoever.

#115 TehSBGX


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Posted 10 May 2013 - 08:05 PM

View PostLord of All, on 10 May 2013 - 03:24 PM, said:

I have to ask, Why would this be a good idea now that it affects you? I run on Highest but still feel it should support lower resolutions for everyone.

Sorry to single you out but I see this mentality all over this board. It's like the larger part of this community have no empathy whatsoever.

Well I kinda figured if it's happening to me it's prolly happening to Other People. But you are right, I did come off as really selfish. I'm not sure if everyone uses the logic of 'it's likely happening to others' but I kinda figure they are.... Okay I hope they are.

#116 AztecD


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Posted 10 May 2013 - 08:35 PM

Radeon HD 6700 + 8GB + 8 core 3.6 FX8150 = 8-9 FPS :)

Edited by AztecD, 10 May 2013 - 08:36 PM.

#117 Catamount


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Posted 11 May 2013 - 06:21 AM

View PostAztecD, on 10 May 2013 - 08:35 PM, said:

Radeon HD 6700 + 8GB + 8 core 3.6 FX8150 = 8-9 FPS :P

That's far too low. Check the load temperatures on your CPU and GPU; we've been getting a lot of probably with heat-related problems lately.

#118 ExAstris


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Posted 11 May 2013 - 08:09 AM

View PostCatamount, on 07 May 2013 - 05:46 AM, said:

A friend of mine in Marik has a Q6600 and a Radeon HD 4870. He has no trouble getting good framerates on medium settings either.

Hey, thats me!

I do still run that setup, with settings on medium and at 1680x1050. I get around 30fps on most maps. Ones with mostly terrain and very few buildings will run around 40, and I usually only get spikes into the low 20s from heavy texture loads or alot happening on screen. The only thing that ever makes the framerate settle at or below 20 is when there is alot of smoke on the screen (as in, burning mech hulks' smoke, especially when close).

So yeah, I don't know 1/10th as much techie stuff as Catamount, but I do know that if you're running stuff more powerful than mine (circa late 2008), and are getting aweful framerates, something is terribly wrong.

EDIT: Just checked the fps on a round with high settings for kicks. Runs around 20-25 most of the time. Aside from a few sharper textures it doesn't really look any different to my eyes. It does make it a bit harder to shoot at lights though when the framerate is a smidge lower and less consistent.

Edited by ExAstris, 11 May 2013 - 09:08 AM.

#119 lilslugger


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Posted 11 May 2013 - 08:33 AM

They should release a graphics setting that harnesses the pure awesomeness of the mechwarrior 2 era in my opinion. That would help people with low end rigs.

#120 Sug


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Posted 11 May 2013 - 09:12 AM

View PostAztecD, on 10 May 2013 - 08:35 PM, said:

Radeon HD 6700 + 8GB + 8 core 3.6 FX8150 = 8-9 FPS :P

Someone made a post yesterday that his video card wasn't seated properly in the motherboard and was only running at 1x instead of 16x.

Download GPU-Z and make sure your Bus Interface is at PCI-E 16x

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