I seem to have found a perm fix for now - have had 20 matches and not ran into the bug yet.
I still need to tweak with my set up, to see if all these changes work together or if one did all the work like I expect.
I suspect this one change is all you need so I will list it first.
edit the file systemoverride.cfg which can be found in the mech warrior game folder.
Change the 9 to 11 under directx. Notice it says not to alter this - so as always create a back up of the file just incase I had a random 20 games in a row with no errors and perfect load up time.
Don't ask me why, they have this game set to use directx 9 instead of 11, but it runs so much smoother with it on.
The other changes just incase one or more worked with this - I did these before I found out that this game was trying to use directx 9 which is 100000 years old now.
I changed the game to run as admin - duh
I changed the game to run as vista 64 SP 2 - It appears I can't get the game work with XP 2 - but XP SP 3 and foward seem to work.
I also changed the ingame graphics to match my default screen size as your card is set up always to run games the best in its native size.
I am going to drop the game running with admin and vista 64 and see if the errors return.
I have also noted that my computer isn't over heating as much either with running directx11 as it was before.
small print - this worked for me, not saying it will work for everyone, and changing your files is risky, do this at your own risk. and again please keep a back up of the file just incase - and you do need directx11 on your computer, which 99.9999999999 of you should already.
I have not tried yet to run with directx12.
Edited by TrulyHeroic, 15 April 2013 - 08:49 AM.