1.High jamming chance reduces average UAC/5 DPS to 2.25 that is lowest of all auto cannons.
Current mechanics is - 25% chance of UAC/5 jamming and when it does jamm that shot is not fired and it is jammed for 5sec.
So we have this situation:
0sec 1st shot
0.55sec 2nd shot
1.1sec 3rd shot
1.65sec 4th shot is not fired and gun jams for 5sec
6.65sec next cycle of 3 shots and one jam.
That means that we did 3 shots of 5 damage (15damage) in 6.65sec which is 2.25 average dps.
To adjust jamming chance so that average dps of UAC/5 is at least equal to AC5 (2,95dps) we need jamming chance of 18,6% OR even better jammed time should be reduced from 5sec to 3.4sec or less. So at least we equalize it to AC/5 average damage.
IMHO optimal solution would be 25% jam chance, 3sec jammed time which brings us to average 3.2 damage per second (still for short periods this gun would give up to 9dps if you are lucky
2&3. Pilot can not control dual shot option of UAC/5 and gun jamms before first shot is fired
UAC/5 goes into burst (double rate of fire mode) no matter how you press your mouse button thus jamms soon.
This creates two problems, first that you risk getting gun jammed even when you would rather want normal 1.1sec RoF but constant damage and second as game doesn't distinguish frantic mouse clicking from holding mouse button there is chance to jam on first shot. Which doesn't make any sense.
Solution to both problems:
Holding mouse button should mean normal operation of gun with 1.1 sec RoF
Quickly pressing mouse button should mean ultra burst operation of gun with 0.55sec RoF.
What do you think?!