Roadbeer, on 29 April 2013 - 04:00 PM, said:
Maybe we just approach things differently.
If I'm providing feedback, why would I want to do that in a forum where it's going to be drown out by people posting about their upcoming scrim with another unit, people wondering why the latest patch notes aren't up in the GD forum yet(when they've posted in the forum called "Patch Notes" for 4 hours), People posting the patch notes in the GD forum (copied from the thread in the "Patch Notes" forum), and 127 consecutive threads about "NERF PPC BOATS NOWZORZ!!!!"... what happens to my feed back then?
Then don't do it in a forum. If you don't want to discuss things then don't use a forum designed for discussion.
Ask them to add an email address like for you to provide your one way feedback.
Your disinterest in discussions is not a valid reason why they should be discouraged.
And considering the latest patch notes are
still not in the
patch notes forum (instead you have to read the
thread discussing server downtime) it was often a good thing that people posted useful links all in one place.
And why would the re-instatement of general affect you in any way? You can still provide your feedback in whichever of the forums / subforums that you want. No one is forcing you to read or post in general discussion.
Edited by Jestun, 30 April 2013 - 05:37 AM.