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Mech Templates

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#1 Gargarin


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Posted 30 April 2013 - 05:11 PM

So after accidentally closing my browser window and erasing my AAA introduction, my rage forced me to condense my post into this.

Im tired of having to constantly tweak and re-tweak my mech loadouts whenever I want to try a different build. I like to try builds posted on the forums and on smurfy, and of my own design. When I like a build, I take the smurfy url and save it so that I can come back to it later when I crave adventure - it gets old.

We need a better way to do this!
I play a game called Guild Wars. It is an MMO that centers around a a selection 8 skills from a pool of 400+. You can only have 8 equipped at a time, so you need to prepare, tweak your attributes (which enhance skills ... modules... ), and pick the right 8 skills. This means that a variety of characters can play different roles, and the ability to switch between roles quickly AND send the right build to a teammate is paramount.

So the great guys at ArenaNet (the dev) implemented a template system. And since I am no wizard, here are pictures to help explain this.

You can bring up this:
Posted Image
Which is a template for your skills and attributes ( weapons, equipment, armor values, heatsinks, whatever).


Because it's awesome and it works. You can save the pre-arranged builds to your HDD for easy access in the future. Think of all the hours we've spent on the Smurfy mechlab, and all the builds that have been shared on the forums and whatnot. Templates let you easily share all those builds anywhere.


Where that yellow arrow is, "Template Code", the seemingly useless combination of letters and numbers translates to everything in the build. this would mean weapons, equipment, armor values, and mech stompy bits.


These codes allow for easy sharing. Over the years Guild Wars has been active, hundreds of character builds have been collected on various websites like this:

Posted Image

The template code allows for a quick copy-paste onto your character instantly replacing a current load out with another.

In Guild Wars, this system allowed painless re-equipping and team building. Simply send your teammate a template code and they could load up the build that would mesh with the team. A system SIMILAR to this (because a straight ripoff is a silly idea) would promote a more efficient discussion of builds and call for less time in the mechlab.

Again, I'm not saying that PGI should just copy this word for word, and I know that there the ability to save loadouts is coming, but the ability to share these loadouts would make MWO a better place, which is the whole reason I made this post.

It should go without saying, but you cannot equip a template if you don't have the required materials. This would help those of us who have amassed a stockpile of engines, death rays, and cannons.

In addition, if ever there was a pre-game lobby established, the ability to quickly switch builds would foster a more cohesive PUG experience (so long as they are willing).

TL:DR : we should have an easier way to save and share builds.

Edited by Gargarin, 30 April 2013 - 05:13 PM.

#2 Hellcat420


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Posted 30 April 2013 - 06:22 PM

no thanks. the min/maxing is annoying as it is now. dont need to make it worse.

#3 Dusty Sandals


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Posted 30 April 2013 - 07:48 PM

I fail to see how the min/maxing problem would be further enhanced. The current system is a hassle for everyone involved and the min/maxing occurs mostly in team play. I don't like the ability to switch during the pre-game lobby if we get one, but if people want to pop-tart or snipe they'll do it regardless and often in a group. The way people play is a result of game balance and how people abuse it (a game such as this will never be as balanced as anyone wants.) A template system detracts from the monotony of those who don't enjoy shuffling weapons every match to switch from say, a laser heavy atlas to a missile heavy atlas. Players should have the availability of a build within a few quick load tabs or through template selection. The mechlab is tedious and redundant right now; a good way to navigate it, or select parts (even if they aren't currently available to be purchased) should be inherent. It isn't. The suggestions made be OP are a good attempt and suggestion to try and make it a better system. Cheers

#4 Lord of All


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Posted 30 April 2013 - 07:59 PM

I most certainly want a loadout list for my chassis's! Manually changing Items between builds is a complete waste of time. :)

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