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Will you buy the Razer Artemis controller?

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#61 HellJumper


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 08:38 AM

I wont buy it...as it will be expensive and i dont see much reason to get it for just one game

Plus... I dont think they will deliver it in my country...

#62 Aegis Kleais


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 08:42 AM

View PostJeremiah Rose2, on 05 June 2012 - 08:06 AM, said:

Not for lefties so f**k it.

Not true. I'm left handed and it's perfectly natural for me to hold the controller in my right hand. Being as I use a mouse in my right hand as well, I don't think you can say it's not designed for left handed players.


As for Artemis, I'm sure Razer is not just making this for MWO. Chances are it's just compatible with MWO and its features. It's a Hardware/Software collaboration. The hardware isn't being made JUST for 1 piece of software.

Edited by Aegis Kleais, 05 June 2012 - 08:44 AM.

#63 Der BruzZzler von Wiesndoof


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 08:43 AM

Razer? Lol NO !!!

#64 Schtirlitz


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 08:44 AM

Nice idea but too expensive

#65 Ian


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 08:44 AM


To put it bluntly, this marketing stunt pretty much shattered my faith in PG.


#66 Colorfinger


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 08:45 AM

First, I really doubt it will only be compatible with one game. Yes the SB controller was without outside help but that is old tech. I have to think they will be smart enough to make this viable for other games, otherwise it will not sell well.

That said, I am on the fence about buying one. I am in the market for a joystick, so I am their target audience. I have held off buying one specifically for this game in hopes something like this would come out, again perfectly fitting their target audience. The issue, they look to be going very high end with the screen etc. I love the concept BUT price is going to be a real issue. I struggle buying a joystick for the price of an xbox.

#67 KingKazuma


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 08:46 AM

View PostKittygrinder, on 05 June 2012 - 08:15 AM, said:

Ive had an imperator for 6 months and lycosa for i dont know how long, and both peripherals are still working fine. I dont know what people do to their mouse and keyboards, but i've never had problems with either of them.

I'm with you on this. I have no idea how people can break things so fast. I've been using my Mamba for a little over a year and haven't had a problem yet (although I understand the older they get the Mamba tends to have a squeaky mouse wheel. We shall see.)

View PostFrostiken, on 05 June 2012 - 08:26 AM, said:



$250, and its only 'feature' is a touchpad.

Unfortunately I'm also with you Frostiken, Razer does have a habit of taking something that could be cool and asking "How could we make this the most gimmicky thing the world has ever seen?", which I feel is what they're doing with the screen. While I love the software and customization options that come with razer products, I think that this one is not going be worth my money.

#68 Society


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 08:46 AM

I think it's quite a neat item, truthfully. I am just way too much of a broke *** for it :mellow:

#69 CeeKay Boques


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 08:47 AM

I don't get the Razer concern, but I've only bought mice from them. 2, to be exact, over 10 years. I replaced one for the other because it had more buttons, and handed the old one down. They both function flawlessly. Maybe their other products don't fare as well, but their mice are high quality pieces of art.

#70 Goldfish


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 08:50 AM

too expensive =( i was hoping for an epic release not a new controller ._.

#71 Attalward


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 08:51 AM

Well, in my opinion the concept controller needs to be a bit reworked to sell in numbers. First you need to sell it modular, like only the stick, the stick with the keyboard/throttle whatever, and last the luxury stuff with the screen. Thhat lot more people will consider buying the different packages.

For my taste it is lacking a big one hand Throttle and rudder pedals, or either a big twisting one hand throttle to controll speed and direction for legs.
Alos it is made by Razer, and i dont like their prices at all completly over the top.

So wont consider buying it now un till they change it somehow. And put a reasonable price to it, which would no more then teh saitek X52 around 100-130 euros for the pro version as well.

#72 Norino


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 08:52 AM

but i can see most people not wanting to fork over that kind of cash.. expecially if you still live in your parents basement.. but do not begrudge a company for putting out a product just cause you can not afford it.. i guess these same people are mad at Lamborghini for making cars they can never afford. look it is all about what is important in life.. but to hate on a company because you were hoping for the artemis iv missle guidance system.. and got a specialized contoller built for a game "you have supposedly been waiting on for 10 YEARS" but since it will cost money i guess it was not what you people wanted.. i hate the crowd that gets drawn to F2P games.. i wonder how those same people would act if they had to go frip burgers at McDonalds for free.. they would quit.. well spend some money or shut you mouth.. beggars can not be chosers..

#73 ColonelKiel


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 08:52 AM

The third party team-up with Razer is an interesting point. I mean is it a publicity/promotional thing for PGI? or would it be a cut of the sales from the Artemis SKU? or is this like the collectors edition(which is what I thought the founders pack was)?

I'm curious what the motivation would be for PGI to team-up with a hardware vendor to develop a tie in device and funnel their costomer's dollars into the pockets of a third party. Wouldn't it make more sense to keep those dollars in their customer's hands so they can spend them on things in the MWO store that goes into PGI's pocket?

Thinking about an iPad/Android App, I'd totally throw cash money dollars into an app that I can throw on my tablet that will allow me to link to my game and pull up some live secondary displays. Maybe use it to issue commands or something like a secondary input device. I mean ya sure, there is some dev cycles to be spent on that sort of thing, but the return is almost all gravy.

I mean maybe it's an economies of scale thing. This monster controller will probably retail around $300-$400 so if you are only getting say a 5% cut(Razer probably has a 50% markup on the hardware, but they ain't gonna share too much of that with you just cuz you paint it all pretty, it's still their stick at the end of the day.), then that's about $15-$20 per unit. Compare that to an iPad app retailing for $9.99(Not unreasonable, look at the recent Mass Effect 3 App) you'd clear 70% which is about $7/unit. So you'd have to sell twice as many units of the iPad app as you would the Controller, But, you can also buy 30-40 copies of the app with the same dollar value. That's's a HUGE value ratio to the consumer when compared to the controller. So you can sell a heck of alot more apps to consumers than controllers which will easily offset the higher profit per unit you get off the controller. No matter how hard you market the thing, you will never sell a million controllers.


But a million Apps.

That's not so far fetched....

#74 Talisaerin


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 08:52 AM

View PostNorino, on 05 June 2012 - 08:19 AM, said:

how broke are you people.. i see this controller costing no more than $150.00 i see some of the same names above posting in other topics about how they are gonna spend 2000-2500 on a gaming rig.. but are to CHEAP to spend a little extra for a contoller built for the game.. you are not true mechwarriors.. a mechwarrior will find a way to get it..lmao.. BTW i am joking about the mechwarrior part.. but you are still CHEAPOs.. (mumbles something about spending 400 on a video card and then cheap *** mumble mumble....)

Actually, the touchscreen alone will most likely bring the price up above $150, especially if it is AMOLED or OLED. If they manage to bring the price down below $200 for the entire unit, I'd be wary of how long it would last? I've broken a Saitek X45 while playing MW4:Mercs while I was playing InnerSphereWars. Throttle came off in my hand unexpectedly and I wasn't much prepared for keyboard operation. (Which has prompted me to get more proficient at KB/mouse operation for use as a backup in the event of primary controller failure.)

Personally, If I'm going to be forking out a grand or more on a new gaming system, I'd budget in another $4-500 for a decent metal constructed HOTAS setup with a couple of MFDs. Something like the X-65F Combat Flight Stick combined with Combat Rudder Pedals (combined Price about $520). At least I know the metal constructed Saitek stuff will last a while, the plastic crap that Razer puts out? Not so much faith there.

#75 Ranger207


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 08:53 AM

However much I would like to buy it, the joystick I got for this game is barely used, AND my money is going to the Founders package!

#76 William Chase Davion


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 08:53 AM

It looks interesting but I don't have enough info on it yet. Price will be a big factor (especially since my laptop will most likely need to be replaced just to play MWO).

#77 Norino


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 08:53 AM

now i like attalward idea.. make it modular so people can buy parts of it if they want.. and it can fit into more peoples price range..

#78 GaussDragon


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 08:54 AM

The reason I'm not buying the Artemis is because I ordered their Naga Hex mouse a few days ago. IMHO, it's the ideal mouse as far as button layout is concerned.

#79 Kasiagora


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 08:56 AM

I'm already planning on spending between $250 - $400 on a HOTAS system of some kind. I just don't know what yet. Been doing a lot of research. I'll keep an eye on this though and make my judgements after it comes out and I see how it's been acting for users. Sorry early buyers, you're the first line in real reviews that aren't biased and using something that's been kept immaculate for them.

I'm also a leftie, but I use my mouse right handed and my Saitek Cyborg is set up for right hand use. I've used it left handed too, and I think a dual joystick setup would be good, but for now I'm still aiming towards a HOTAS Cougar with rudder pedals for turning, and the stick for the torso..

#80 Audit


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 08:59 AM

I'll have to see the price tag first.

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