No amount of damage tweaking will solve the convergence problems we have in MWO. Funny thing, I went back and played MW 3 and lo and behold, 3x ERPPC + Gauss murders things even in it due to convergence. The only difference is I can alpha just once per 10 seconds. If I alpha a second time after the first... kaboooom! I overheat. Unfortunately MW3 doesn't have regular PPCs in it.
Convergence is and has been the issue all the way back to Mechwarrior 3 when it was introduced. It has plagued the series ever since and right now, this moment, this patch, we are experiencing the culmination of it all. SniperWarrior is convergence being used to the greatest potential.
Now, some have proposed stuff like... Cone of Fire. The problem with Cone of Fire is that it is both dumb and random. Random is bad. See, I've competed in Team Fortress 2 for the last five years and there was a time when the Scout's Scattergun had a random shot pattern. Guess what? It was patched out eventually for league play so every shot had the same pattern to keep things fair. Cone of Fire can't work in a sim/game like this.
However, stuff like convergence illustrated here:

You see, the Arms converge while the torso weapons don't. Boom! Huge problem solved immediately! Well, partially. Some mechs still let you boat stuff in the arms and this is precisely what might occur. Well, we can always blow those arms off, right? Yeah.
We could allow fixed convergence at a fixed range for torso weapons--that'd be adjustable in the mechlab and also require skill.
See, the reason we're seeing stuff cored so fast is pinpoint damage in a single torso section. Reduce the damage or change it--you still have pinpoint damage in one weapon or another. We'll constantly be tweaking weapons forever!
Fix convergence... well, then a lot of the mess goes away. Fixing heat is another issue entirely but could be used also.
Lastly (as I'm being very brief here), adding a 3x3 grid to the torso instead of just 3 sections... well, you now have 9 spots to hit versus 3. Accuracy will play an even bigger role than ever before and those sacred XL engines... Just a tiny, tiny little box in the top corner. To blow off left or right, well, you gotta take out a minimum of 2 squares. In a way, taking out all 3 would be better. The downside to this, though, would be people trying to core right away but, well, with convergence addressed... things will take a bit longer without adding more armor or tweaking damage values.
Yes, BT nuts will hate this. Yes, easymode FOTM people will hate it too. I, on the other hand, like it as I've always wanted skill to play even more of a factor than ever before in Mechwarrior. Not to mention it is also a bit more realistic...

The funny thing is I made threads about this back in Closed Beta. Did the developers say anything? Nope. They've ignored the real problem long enough. It is high time we make their ears bleed until they fix it. I'd rather they do this than the player base shrinking past the point of no return.