Boogie Man, on 29 April 2013 - 04:34 AM, said:
The problem is probably not the armor, but the weapon dps being too high and convergance allowing pinpoint focus of said dps.
The armour ratios between different hit locations is a problem.
One of the best case scenarios of fighting a Splatapult was to take off its ears first. At least that was what many suggested. But if you actually go through the math - how much damage can a Splatapult inflict if you take out its arms first, and how much damage can it inflict if all shots go to the CT, you find out that the arm-method gives you only a 20 % difference (and you still need to kill the Splatapult afterwards, unless you want to risk it capping your base or something like that). And this is pretty much the ideal case - a mech that has
all weapons in its arms. A mech having guns in the side torso also will mean that going for the CT will be the best way to kill him. And most mechs have weapons in arms and torso sides.
If you really want it to be a tactical choice which hit locations to engage and aim for at all times, we need different armour ratios. Mind you - different ratios. Not necssarily more armour. MAybe we need that too, maybe we need less damage, less burst damage, or whatever. But regardless of how much damage mechs can dish out - with the current armour ratios, going for the CT is usually the preferable and safest way to defeat an opponent. And that looks like weak game design to me.