1) someone goes on ahead and everyone just follows that guy in 'that' direction or
2) 'someones' go on ahead and the whole team splits into tiny groups or
3) everyone just goes wherever the wind takes them and the whole thing just turns into a mess.
i guess this happens because people dont coordinate during a game because of the fact that its impossible to control your mech and type at the same time. yes you could say that people could just use programs like vent or mumble but what about the 'lone wolf's? i only have 2 other friends who play and they dont play as much as i do and a lot of the time i just go into games and hope that i do some damage or help out the team in a significant way. this is much harder to do because it seldom happens that a person on my team tells people what to do. i would do it but i run mwo on an nvidia 9400 gt and i dont really know what to do other than locking onto a target and hope my lrms do some damage.
I THINK IT WOULD HELP IF THE DEVS CREATED A 'BRIEFING ROOM'. in my head im thinking this would be a 30s(?) or so time period before the game starts, just like the one where the game waits for everyone to load. the only difference would be that in this time period all players would already have loaded and would use the time to discuss strategy and such. I HONESTLY THINK THIS WOULD HELP