Official Hud Bug Survey
Posted 30 April 2013 - 10:57 AM
Posted 30 April 2013 - 12:00 PM
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 675MX
Had an Issue in my Rav-3L where the Speed bar would cross the screen when at full speed. Had several issues where the game crashes right after I go from searching to a game or right after I exit a game.
Posted 30 April 2013 - 12:15 PM
AMD Radeon 7950
HUD issues are always apparent as soon as I drop. On two occasions, in addition to the minimap not working and the full battlemap only appearing for half a second when I hit B, the game has stopped responding to input from either mouse or keyboard a couple of minutes into the match.
I've had problems with the game hanging for the last few patches as well (never had an issue before whichever one set it off) but I don't know if it's related.
Edited by Wafflecopper, 30 April 2013 - 12:18 PM.
Posted 30 April 2013 - 12:42 PM
Other (Please describe)
Several instance where text is replaced with what appears to be player coordinates - for instance instead of the mech name being replaced with WWWWWWW it is replaced with a constantly updating decimal number which appears to match movement or rotation. The same has happened for the compass readout - instead of seeing the number of degrees it is a complex set of numbers that update based on something else I could not determine.
One instance where rather then text being drawn from the wrong source (mech coordinates substituted for mech name) the compass orientation was. At first it seemed the compass and map where rotating like crazy, flipping back and forth like a siezure. However when I stopped moving the map and compass stopped moving. When I walked in a perfectly straight line without moving the mouse the map and compass would rotate at a fixed speed (they shouldn't be rotating at all since I'm walking straight, but that's not the point). If I moved the mouse the map would go into a siezure again. If I had to make a best guess in hind sight it was like the compass was using my mechs range finder value as it's orientation value, instead of my cockpit orientation.
i5 2500k (no overclock)
Radeon 5770 (no overclock)
Both of these cases and many more look exactly like the wrong values being fed into the UI components - zoom parameter used for the map is wrong, visible property for HUD or FoF indicators is wrong, name of mech is wrong. If I'm not mistaken CryEngine uses a Flash compatible derivative for its HUD using the MVC paradigm - is there a race condition or buggy loop that is matching the wrong model values to HUD view elements?
More of them. Had a match on Frozen where it seemed half the team was reporting HUD problems. Apart from the usual one player did not have his own paper doll and my mech didn't have an enemy paper doll despite a complete lack of enemy ECM.
Additionally the name of my mech started out as '0'. The number did seem to go up, it seemed to either match the total number of kills by my team or my own kill count, I couldn't be sure because by the time someone else on the team had made a kill I was up to my eyeballs in enemy mechs.
Edited by ArcDemon, 30 April 2013 - 04:32 PM.
Posted 30 April 2013 - 01:28 PM
My long term hope for this is that we'll be able to collect a huge amount of data on when and how these bugs occur and possibly help the developers in at least a small fashion.
Here is the document :
let me know what you think. I have opted to not include editing rights until I get a little feedback on whether or not this even wanted/needed and until we have nailed down what should or shouldn't be included.
Thanks all
Also, I realize this may or may not be the best place for this. But it seemed like a place to start.
Edited by itiziDITKA, 30 April 2013 - 01:29 PM.
Posted 30 April 2013 - 02:56 PM
Niko Snow, on 29 April 2013 - 03:36 PM, said:
In addition, please include your CPU and GPU model specifications in your text reply, as well as any further details which you believe might assist us including but not limited to:
- When/Where the Issue first appears
- Whether or not the issue appears only after performing certain actions in the menus
- Whether or not the issue appears in sequences.
- Whether or not the player was performing any specific actions prior to appearance.
- Whether any other issues were occuring at the same time.
- etc....
I'm done with this game but thought the least I can do is leave my issues at the door on the way out so you all can try and figure this mess out so the rest of the rats that have not bailed ship yet can be helped.
Core i5 2500k @ 4.10 GHz
Nvidia 660 Ti 2 GB
8 GB system ram
Samsung 830 SSD
The HUD issues are completely random and I have not been able to pinpoint any patterns. It can occur right away soon after logging into the game or a few matches in. It can happen from a fresh boot or after being on the computer for hours. I typically look at the error log to see if there is something that stands out when there is a hard lock-up but nothing and I do reboot the computer afterwards.
I monitor temps on the CPU, GPU and other vitals using MSI afterburner and I have not noticed any out of the ordinary spikes in temperature or runaway memory issues, leaks etc.
I uninstalled completely a number of times on the instruction of support cleaning every trace of the game and using a fresh install each time but the problem persists. The last uninstall was right before the hotfix for the rubberbanding which I was also experiencing. I have not bothered downloading the game since then, I threw in the towel before that was even mentioned.
Good luck.
Posted 30 April 2013 - 03:30 PM
Posted 30 April 2013 - 03:41 PM
GPU: AMD 5770 (latest WHQL drivers)
Usually these HUD bugs show up as soon as match starts (after the startup sequence animation). However, for what it's worth, once on Tourmaline I was able to trigger the no HUD bug in the middle of a game by panning my view left and right near the circular structure in the center. The HUD would disappear as I panned past some geometry, and reappear as I panned the other way past the same geometry. I've only been able to intentionally trigger this error once, and only on this map, but it may be related to an occlusion query or LOD check or frustum culling algorithm or something similar.
Edited by NRP, 30 April 2013 - 03:46 PM.
Posted 30 April 2013 - 04:07 PM
GPU is a ATI Radeon 6850
The issue seems to happen more if I'm tabbed out of the game looking at a website while the game is loading. I've had a ton of issues, some happening at the same time as others. I used to get a black screen/crash, but that was months ago. As of right now, the main issue I have are HUD bugs that seem to plague me around 70% of my drops.
Posted 30 April 2013 - 04:39 PM
I get a lack of mini-map, linked to a non-functional compass, most often of the bugs.
I'm too absent minded to know, or have noticed, if there was a crash or freeze, ether before or after any such bug.
Only once can I say I've had the same bug twice in a row; Normally, it's fine for a few games, then something, anything, along the lines of this thread comes up.
i7-920; 18GB; One GTX 680, and one GTS 450, presumably doing PhysX stuff.
Posted 30 April 2013 - 04:53 PM
GPU: GeForce GTX 555
I've had the majority of bugs on that list plus:
-Throttle stick (Either the HUD shows full throttle or no throttle constantly or once I start to accelerate the throttle jams open and I can only stop by hitting full stop, I've had both of these about twice each since the patch before last)
-A single teammate out of the team only appearing on the map when I look at them
-Base indicators on compass not displayed correctly
-Base health not displayed correctly (either shows a different value, wrong colour or doesn't appear at all)
-Map direction reversed
Whenever these bugs occur they're present from the start of the match and I'm definetly getting alot more of them now then I was before, the rate has doubled at least. The most troubling is my Cicada-2B somehow suffers from these bugs more than my other mechs. While the Assault competition was on it suffered 8 HUD bugs in 10 matches, my other mechs used to have one HUD problem every 10-20 matches but now it's about 2-3 times out of 10 games.
Extra note: I've not had crashes or freezes when these problems have occurred but since the last patch I've been dropped to desktop several times at the onset of a match.
Edited by ThermidorFallen, 30 April 2013 - 04:54 PM.
Posted 30 April 2013 - 05:29 PM
GPU - AMD Radeon HD 6970 (Gigabyte)
I would say the bugs occur pretty randomly for me, no real rhyme or reason. I've played almost exclusively in 2- 4 man groups, I doubt this has a large effect however.
Edited by Monkeyclaw, 30 April 2013 - 05:31 PM.
Posted 30 April 2013 - 05:58 PM
Posted 30 April 2013 - 06:51 PM
Posted 30 April 2013 - 06:54 PM
My settings in game are:
Post processing: low
AA - postAA
every other setting is on very high
1920x1080 screen resolution
The one major mech I have a guaranteed issue on is the Centurion CN9-A. For the longest time this mech had an issue where other mech textures would not load. So I stopped playing it for the longest time. However recently this bug was apparently fixed however I have attempted to play the same CN9-A today (04-30-13) and encountered a new bug. Where I have no HUD. I have tried powering down my mech and turning my HUD off and on to no fix.
I encounter various HUD bugs like everyone else does. Usually the bug where the minimap does not move and the bug where the text is listed as WWWWWWW.....
Posted 01 May 2013 - 12:20 AM
Posted 01 May 2013 - 02:11 AM
Edited by Cest7, 01 May 2013 - 02:11 AM.
Posted 01 May 2013 - 06:12 AM
Posted 01 May 2013 - 06:26 AM
Sure, its an open Beta... some people might say 'you don't have to pay to play it' - the fact is that I have spent money. I realize its a beta but goddamit almost every game I played today (5/7) has a hud issue and my second and last match I have experienced the 'No hud at all' which like the name says has absolutely no hud and no text and no way to type and no map and no scoreboard and no NOTHING except a teeny dot in the middle of the screen - do you know how hard it is to play a match like that? and it means my kill to death ratio is going down!down!down!
This is just a rant, please ignore it and don't flame me, just needed to vent my frustration.
Posted 01 May 2013 - 06:28 AM
It's been better than the previous patch (90% of games), but I still get a considerable amount.
No textures on frozen city is the only 100% one.
Other bugs not listed in the survey include capture points reading the oposite of what they are, with allied points being registed as enemy points and vise-versa
Edited by Troutmonkey, 01 May 2013 - 06:35 AM.
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