The reasons are mainly that the mechs are not at all in line with the RP of the factions. Theres no belial, uziel, or exo mechs, and for example, everything is common pool, and there doesn't seem to be any difference in a house Kurita mech vs a Jade falcon / House liou Mech, which is just .... Blasphemy.
And none of the houses have their own style to their mechs. none of these mechs even look remotely like anything the houses used, they seem to be simply a common pool group of mechs (pulled from all houses) with no individuality whatsoever.
Wheres the cool looking mechs at, is another reason. All the current mech designs I can and have seen are utilitarian / Blocky in nature. (Was never a fan of this style). Wheres the sweeping symmetry (Like int he design of the Jade Falcon Mechs)? The Quad mechs? The artillery Mechs? where is the uniqueness and variety?
I like the idea of the game, but I'm not really seeing anything that would drag me into it and keep me interested, One thing I've always hated is a game with exceedingly unique factions, tons of lore history, filled with common pool variant vehicles which have no relation to your faction and make you feel like a traitor piloting.
Am I wrong here and when I get in game I will see a lot more then on the videos, and the reviews? Or have I seen this pretty clearly as the way things are?
Will this change if it is in fact the way things are currently, because I realize the game is still new?
I am still going to play a bit just too see for myself in game and such, as the reviews are very good, but I would like to know the answers to the above concerns as well.
Edited by Malpherian, 23 December 2013 - 09:47 PM.