My observations so far is that far more people are using ppc weapons in the same way as srm 6's are being used on cats so i can only guess that the ppc is the new cheese build on most mechs that can host 4 of them.
Lrm's now seem to be a weapon choice of the past, havent seen many being used at all, so i can only assume that they are now more of a support weapon than a main assault weapon which i do believe was the intention for this weapon group anyway, most effective in an organised lance than playing in a random group formation.
I am however very surprised to see that the server stability has become far more unstable than when i left for duty 3 months ago, since i have been playing 2 days now i have lost count how many times i have been dc'd from the game at random intervals and circumstances, what is also annoying at the moment is the warping effect, not so much from other mechs but from my perspective, what i mean is that the placement of my mech whilst moving or lining up a shot can be erratic to the degree that at one moment i'm aiming straight at the mech and the next im firing at the building just next to the mech, or whilst moving im walking straight then ive turned 90 degrees left or right, i can only take an educated guess and put the error down to the net code or something along those lines.
There are still alot of the same ole bugs and glitches that were there when i last played 3 months ago, i guess they will also be fixed in time, but i hasten to add that some of the bugs i experienced have been fixed which is a good sign indeed.
The weapons seem to be more balanced now and the behaviour of each weapon type appears to be in conjunction with the nature of the weapon and the ammo it uses, although im still very reserved on the way the ecm system works. I would still prefer the ecm to work in a way of a weapon that is fired at a mech, the projectile sticks to the target and jams the mechs missile locking system, unless the target mech equips a purging system that either makes the ecm device fall of or fries it. So the ecm weapon works in the same way as the AC20 but with a shorter range and does no physical damage at all, it weighs 5 tonne and has something like 3 rounds per tonne and has an extended cool down, the same can be done for the purge system, same weight but generates heat instead of ammo and has a longer cool down, i think that would bring balance to the ecm problem that alot of players have expressed, like i said im still very reserved about its current state

Happy hunting all and hope to see you on the battle field