With the fact that players experience HUD-related bugs an incredible 90% of the time (that is, including other players in the match), the lack of functioning minimap and other aspects in offline Testing Grounds mode and the way multiple players experience bugs, disconnects or outright crashes in a single match, it's grown very obvious to many of us players that most bugs are caused by a server-sided error.
On to the suggestion. I've just had two matches in the last half an hour alone with no HUD. Commands such as RShift F11 (hide HUD) do not work and neither does a 'mech power cycle, or even an overheat. This leads me to believe that the player client receives an "initialize HUD with (insert map, mech and weaponry here)" command from the server at the start of the match right at the end of when the startup animations are to be complete.
But it appears this command is not a persistent occurrence given the HUD can fail to initialize and be lost completely.
So, tl;dr aside, I just want to suggest a workaround for all players to be able to take advantage of. Add a command such as "/redraw" that a player can type to reintialize their HUD. When the server receives this in chat, it will resend a HUD initialize command to the player's client.
Many online games use similar /commands for aspects such as this or even social, like /whisper player message.
We all know this is a beta and bugs are running amok, but PGI has remained adamant that internal testing is, for most purposes, their be-all-end-all. Yes, our bugs are acknowledged, but we've never been given methods for recovering from gameplay breaking bugs (e.g. CTDs, no HUD or IFF) such as the redraw command above, or at the very least the reconnect function.
The reconnect function has been asked for the last YEAR, but still "no design" has been even made.
/redraw Hud Command
Started by Dukarriope, May 01 2013 03:31 AM
7 replies to this topic
Posted 01 May 2013 - 03:31 AM
Posted 01 May 2013 - 04:02 AM
Hmm. Sounds like a good idea, though I don't know what kind of work would need to go into this,
Posted 01 May 2013 - 10:13 AM
Well, I've suggested it, but watch it be buried under everything else.
Posted 01 May 2013 - 10:38 AM
Good Idea Bump. (I GIBbed your post.)
Posted 01 May 2013 - 10:53 AM
I suspect that adding a /redrawHUD command would be the same effort as fixing the damn thing in the first place.
Posted 02 May 2013 - 06:31 AM
Dishevel, on 01 May 2013 - 11:24 AM, said:
Except that it might work. And when they break it again we still have the /redraw
Yes, the point of such a command is to have a fix for whenever the HUD problems come back. Just as people have been incessantly asking for reconnect-to-game.
Posted 03 May 2013 - 03:45 PM
I too feel that this would be a great command I have been with out Hud to many times to count, the Hud looks like a separate module that is loaded after the match starts. We should have the ability to execute a command line redraw. And as stated we would always have that when PGI breaks our BETA game... Cheers..
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