Darwins Dog, on 04 May 2013 - 07:02 AM, said:
Cicada is a medium, but by that token then it should have been a trebuchet.
Also, only the Raven-3L is anywhere close to OP (which it really isn't now that you can hit it with weapons). A hero version would be a different variant (and probably wouldn't even have ECM).
More than anything I would want to see a hero spider (missiles maybe?), but maybe they were planning a hero flea, thus the break in rotation.
light in sheeps clothing
I forgot about the spider tbh.
I dont think they'll do a hero raven anytime soon because it'll either get no use at all if like the 2 useless varients or it'll totally flood the game for a couple of weeks if its better than the 3L and a lot of people will go on a 2 week hiatus.
As for the spider, its probably hard for them to come up with something worthwhile and unique when they're limited to like 4 hardpoints, with energy being the only ones that are really usable.
Edited by Megalosauroid, 04 May 2013 - 07:06 AM.