Posted 07 May 2013 - 12:26 PM
We started using 'Zombie', at least around here anyway, early in the games development, even before we had torso destruction = arm destruction.
With current builds, here's what it tends to mean (and I'll use a CN9-A as an example):
Lose left arm shield, keep fighting.
Lose right arm, keep fighting.
Lose left torso, keep fighting.
Lose right torso, keep fighting.
Lose left leg, keep fighting.
Zombies are Mechs that can (and do) fight with up to five lost areas. Due to the two energy slots in the centre torso, they can always do damage, no matter what areas they lose. They almost always die with a total health in the low, or less than 20% area. The record at the office was Matt Newman in a CN9-A with 6% health remaining (we had shot both arms, both torsos, a leg, all armour, and most of his internals out.)
Also, it means that, like a 'zombie' from older movies, you can't really kill them without massive damage done, like removing the head, or destroying the brain. (Let me say that again - removing the head, or destroying the brain.) Since it takes this much damage to kill (or precision), they are extremely terrifying opponents (like zombies) and as they almost always lose a leg before they die, tend to shamble like one too.