Character: Thom Frankfurt
Born Warlock, St. Ives Compact, 3028 Age 34 years old
6'2'' Tall and lanky, with fair skin and gray eyes a long mohawk that he never puts up only lets it hand down past his shoulders.
Wears black paramilitary cargopants with a heavily studded black leather jacket. Vintige heavy metal band T-shirts and combat boots.
Carries an nakjama laser pistol, a poly carbon knife and a set of brass knuckles. Since the events of the Windborne Raven RP he's grown quite paranoid about how easily he could have been killed a dozen times over, so he's taken to carring a canvas rucksack with an extra energy clip for the laser pistol and two smoke grenades and two flashbangs. Along with a 1.5 liter metal canteen of water, a few mres (he hasn't checked the date on them yet, but when he does he'll find out that they are leftovers from the 3rd SW) and a small med kit everywhere he goes.
Is a New Avalon Military Academy dropout due to grades and 'conflicting views' with his professors and fellow students (most notably Kai Allard). Right after dropping out, he went to Solaris 7 to try fighting in the arenas. But when he arrived his X-two time Solaris grand champion father gave him the BJ-3 and telling him that if he didn't have the disipline for school, he wouldn't make it on Solaris. So he left Solaris and joined up with his uncle, Po Spiros. He ran with in with several different merc units that were unsucessful, eventually they turned to banditry. MRBC cracked down hard on them and their unit was forced to disband. Luckily he got to keep the BJ-3 because he totally had no knowledge of the bank/jewelry store robbings being on another continet. The Spiros/Frankfurt combo joined up with another group with the job of garrisoning Pacifica. Uncle Po died fighting repelling a Combine raid. Since then Thom has drifted from place to place, freelancing himself out where he could, his journey ended up going out to the FRR and the events of the Windborn Raven unfolded.
He stayed behind to help rebuild as the other units went off on their own way. As a sign of gratitude the locals showed their appreciation, free drinks here, free tattoos here... it wasn't too long before he shifted from helping the locals out to taking advantage of them. After a few disagreements and outstanding bills the locals not so kindly asked him to leave. Catching the first ride out he could find he headed off towards Barcelona in search of the guys he fought the Dalian Guard with.
Landing on Bareclona just in time for the Clan Invasion, Thom found himself right in the middle of the Jade Falcon onslaught. Thom gained much needed experience fighting the Clanners alongside the RAI, Vulkaneer's, Dragoon's, and Skye Rangers, but unfortunately became dispossessed in the progreess. (RIP Swampthing.
) RP still in projress, can't go into much detail. Also his cousin/tech Marcus was captured and pressed into the technician caste by the Jade Falcons. (possible adventure hook)
When things became hopeless on Bareclona, he loaded up the 'Achilies Pride' with as many refugees as possible and bugged out on the back of a Rogue's Armored Irregulars jumpship. He then journeyed with them... somewhere. Deep in the black to a little unexplored portion or the deep periphery. To where the Irregulars called home, RAIHQ. Begrudenlly he signed on with the Irregulars and fought alongside them for a couple of year's before leaving to 'do his own thing.'
By 3060 Thom has made a name for himself on Solaris by winning a grand tournement, where he got his grubby hands on the Akuma who's pilot he killed by kicking a field goal with its head as the pilot was knocked out from an ammo explosion. True story I RPed that, what can I say, Banchee's kick hard. I'm throwing out the part where T became Grand Champ, though. We misinturpted the rules for AP AC rounds... and did it wrong. Still he won a nice sized fortune by gambling on himself to win the whole tourney, and was approached by representives to see if he had and intrest in investing in that jumpship company.
Pulling some favors and working for some 'unscrupious merchants' as well as winning himself back into his ailing father's good graces, Thom has been able to amass, part legal, mostly not, enough c-bills to start his own merc op!
By the time this RP happens, he's fought in the Capellan/St.Ives war on the side of St. Ives, but he knew that that was a loosing cause and has signed up to start his own merc op. And here we are.
Current affiliation, none though he has loose ties to several merc units, and has learned how to play nice with others since the Clan War.
Mech: Modified AKU-1X Akuma called 'Pain Killer.' (Judas Priest refrence, FTW!!) The ErPPC has been replaced with a Clan model (courtesy of Clan Wolf) The freed up ton goes to upgrading the med laser to a medpulse. The MRM30 has also been dropped to allow another CERPPC (This one courtesy the Falcons) installed as well as a C3 Master in the MRMs place. (you know it's funny, I always make fun of Assault pilots, but it's something that Thom would pilot, he likes big guns.)
Callsign: Bad Luck
Combat assesment: Brutally effective and opertunistic as always, Thom has proven to have a sharp tactical mind as a natural knack when it comes to the controls of a battlemech. Infact studies and performace evaluations have shown him to land shots from Particle Cannons 12% more often than mechwarriors of equal ability. It is unknown at this time if it is an natral affinity for the weapon or some time of technological advantage
Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 23 September 2012 - 03:36 PM.