Still the same , without bigger maps with multiple routes we can not have pure scout role and the maps don not need to 10x10 km to has that - 5x5km is good distance .The problem with slow assault boring walk will remain but its not so painful as the people say.
First they don't need to pass the whole distance for the cap zone - they need just to walk to enemy position - scouts find the enemy , mediums engage the enemy (probably mediums and fast heavies) , slow heavies comes bring heavy punch and at the end assults arrive to finish what its left . that must be the principle , now you can imagine that with objective in the midle of the map , lets add Prezimonto great idea for multiple class specific objective - now you have mechwarrior.
Walking 5 min for the assault from one end of the map to the other is sacrifice need to be made - that will keep also the lower number of the assaults in the game , that is necessary when you have such huge difference between the speed of 2 mechs - 54km/h to 150km/h .
Edited by daneiel varna, 31 July 2013 - 03:30 AM.