I see them working like this...
1. Your first click starts the charging of them and your second click releases the blast.(Or just hold down fire button to charge, either way works)
2. Charging for too long causes a heat buildup and failure to fire.
-Benefits of charging them is increased range/damage at the cost of more heat.
-Maybe give them a charging bar like in golf games with a sweet spot for maximum damage.
(Sweet spot could be supercharged! extra 1 damage or something or faster velocity)
It could be an upgrade similar to how DHS/endo/FF are in the mech lab.
Damage is from 5-15 depending on charge?
Heat is 10 - 20? 25 if overcharged
EDIT: I am thinking more along the lines of the mech assault version, this WILL NOT be good for poptarting because there is a small window of time for optimum damage(and it fluctuates if below was added!)
<-- like this without the lock-on xD
I would suggest semi-random charge times so people can't just make macros for it(or charge time based on current heat buildup).
Reserved for community ideas/compilation!
Edited by JakeTehPwner, 25 April 2013 - 12:06 AM.