Grenadapult, on 16 May 2013 - 04:24 AM, said:
Point taken Harleen. I WAS looking at it from an Assault Mech standpoint. So I guess we could agree that the game is broken (or at least bent) when a cap win yields great returns for Lights but miserable for Assaults, and a deathmatch wind is the exact opposite. Do we agree that winning should have similar results for everyone who contributed? Lights SHOULD be able to get equal XP through TAG, NARC, spotting bonuses, assists, etc. Maybe the problem is in that? All I know, is a 48kph (ok, MAYBE 60kph) heavy Assault, is not able to contribute to a cap win.
Ok, most people now know I am a FIRM proponent of the base capture mechanic. However, it does need to be improved. This is one method in which it could be improved significantly. From a purely gameplay standpoint, not taking into account rewards, pulling of a 0 shot, 0 damage base capture can be pretty darned satisfying. It's like winning the war by tricking the king into signing the surrender. However, I do acknowledge the distinct lack of reward incentive. Win by capture needs to be made more difficult, while the rewards for doing so need to be increased a lot. Making the Base Capture win attractive would solve a lot of problems the player base has with each other.
First, I would suggest a two primary changes to the rewards. First, a base capture should yield a flat 100,000 c-bills and 500 experience. It's not amazing, but it's not abysmal by any stretch. Second, I think that, if a match times out without either a Base Capture or an entire team destroyed, then it should be deemed a draw, and everyone involved should get the old rewards for base capture (30,000 cbills, 300 exp) regardless of any other factors. Considering I have NEVER seen a game time out, I don't see this being a problem, but it would discourage people from simply base camping.
Second, changes need to be made to the base capture itself. The ideas I have seen gain the most amount of traction are capture rate being dependent on map size, resource acquisition requiring some sort of action, and automated base defenses.
The first one is primarily for Alpine and Tourmaline, of course, but could also mean that smaller maps, like Forest Colony, might get shortened capture times. It would honestly all have to be reviewed and tested. The second would be something to the effect of having to attack the base rig while in the capture zone to acquire resources, or having to stand on a large buton or something. It would essentially force at least one mech to choose between fighting or resource gathering, but not do both. This would prevent a single light mech from just running around the rig dodging while gathering resources. Automated base defenses could take many forms, but I believe they should be destructible, and they should alert the team when they are being attacked, similar to the alert you get when the base is being captured.
Implementing any of these changes would help player friction considerably, but I think the biggest and easiest would be the flat increase in base capture reward. I don't think 100,000 cbills is unreasonable, and I think everyone would certainly be happier with that than 30,000.
Edited by zraven7, 16 May 2013 - 04:58 AM.