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Tt Rules Clarification-- Integrated Heat Sink Criticals

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#1 Spokes


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Posted 15 May 2013 - 09:12 PM

Add Heat Sinks -- Criticals

"A number of heat sinks equal to the engine rating divided by 25 (round down) are assumed to be an integral part of the engine. These heat sinks are only destroyed if the engine is totally destroyed, and so cannot take critical hits. For example, if the player adds 5 heat sinks (for a total of 15) to a BattleMech carrying an engine rated at 210, 8 of these sinks (210 / 25 = 8.4) are considered integral to the engine and do not have to be assigned to critical slots."

The follow up example in the book goes on to show how 'Mechs with small engines have to use critical space for some of their integrated heat sinks. No mention of 'Mechs with large engines is made, but the rule seems to insinuate that you can actually integrate the critical slots of more than ten heatsinks if you have an engine rated 275 or higher.

Is this the case? From a standpoint of tonnage, all engines have ten heat sinks, but from a standpoint of critical space, can you actually integrate more than ten heat sinks into an engine?

#2 Spheroid


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Posted 15 May 2013 - 09:55 PM

Yes you can store more than 10 inside an engine rated greater than 250. They still have a mass cost unlike the first ten that come with an engine of any size. The Atlas-D is a classic example of this. It has 20 heatsinks at a cost of 10 tons and 8 crits. Two are inside the engine.

Edited by Spheroid, 15 May 2013 - 10:16 PM.

#3 Spokes


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Posted 15 May 2013 - 10:15 PM

Huzzah! ;)

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