Seems there's a couple of 3D printed mechwarriors floating around here and they're lookin pretty slick. Though I haven't seen one printed from a consumer level printer yet and since I just got mine up and running a couple weeks ago, thought I'd share!
The model was originally from: (thanks to all who helped in the model extraction process.) Highly modified to work with the printer, sliced into sections, added peg joints and printed in Silver PLA. (in a nutshell...)
So here's a few process + pics. There's quite a bit of refinement that needs to go on in both tuning the printer & settings as well as the model and design itself to get these things looking as good as they can. But here are the results of the first two.
The 3d Setup for print. (parts are printed like this for optimal detail and eliminates the need for support material. Pink things get removed later)

First run at parts (yes there's a K2 PPC AND a C1 Missile bay in there)

Parts that require glue with pegs inserted and assembled.

And here are the first couple of finished ones. They stand roughly 3" tall, have articulating arms, torso, bay doors and legs and stand by themselves.

The funky colours weren't so much of a stylistic choice as they were a result of being taken with my cellphone with a flashlight & desk lamp for lighting

Update 2014 01 04
Wow, seems so long ago since I made this thing. Thread resurrection!
I got my airbrush this weekend. Have no idea how to use it so I thought hey... I got one of these guys lying around sitting so proudly untextured on my desk. Why not use it as target practice for my new toy. I gave the better printed ones to friends and family, now I only have this poor sap which has some shoddy printing issues, not quite good enough to give away. But good enough to attempt to paint and screw up if need be.

Puttied up some of the big seams. Ok, really I just wanted to test how well airbrush can cover up putty. There are still large seams all over the place.

Primed in Black. So far so good. Airbrush handling was a bit tricky but spraying a flat colour isn't too difficult...

After watching some airbrush stuff online.. apparently pre-shading needs to happen. So preshade it is. It looks all weird because I sprayed the highlights on. and it's not the same as the light source which makes this image look like a charcoal drawing because your brain is telling you that the mech is white and the lighting is producing the shadows which it is not.

Sprayed with some colour now! Unfortunately it covered up a lot more of the pre-shading than the tutorials had led me to believe. So I went back in to put some shadows and highlights back.

Switched to the fine tip for some more detaily work. Takes a while to get use to the spraying nuances... but wayyyyy faster than paint brushes and oh so nice gradients. (so long as you don't get splatters everywhere... which happened)
Gone as far as I could go.. Finish the rest with a brush.
Went for the iconic Catapult yellow scheme.

I think it turned out better than expected... In hindsight, I probably should have cleaned it up a bit more or printed a proper one and it'll have less printing artifacts... but oh well. still cool, and learned a lot about my airbrush!
Thanks for lookin!