(I did a few years ago when I was a computer science major dammit)
All of my stuff is based off the Mechwarrior Clicks figures, because when wizkids went under I could buy mechs for literally $0.50 a piece vs $12 for the little Ironwind Metals.
The Atlas is an Elfbait resin sculpt,
With a little kitbashing\scultping\or just painting they look really good!
I'll just post a few as a taste and add more if anybody likes it.
MW4 inspired Zeus

The Crucis Lancers advance through a city while a Liao Stinger monitors their progress

House Liao relies on more 'traditional' assets

And then the vat-bred ninkers

Edited by LordBraxton, 19 May 2013 - 09:23 AM.