Eraos, on 21 May 2013 - 01:46 PM, said:
The problem -- in my opinion, at least -- is that PGI changed far too many things with this LRM change:
- the ECM nerf is obviously pertinent
- speed increase
- damage increase
- flight path change
- artemis/tag stacking changes
Fundamentally, a lot of buffs were applied to LRMs, and they have ended up in a state where I would agree that they are too powerful. Personally, I think that the key problem is actually the flight path change. Now that the flight path is so vertical, it is much harder to find cover from them. For example, in River City (lower city), most of the buildings are not high enough to provide cover from LRMs that follow the new flight path. With the old flight path you could advance through the buildings in relative safety as most -- if not all -- of the missiles would slam into the cover that you were keeping in front of you.
As a final word directly to PGI: flatly put; you guys are changing far too many variables at once, balance wise. As you keep dropping 50 ton weights on each end of the teeter-totter, it is not surprising that a lot of weapons systems oscillate regularly between "very weak" and "too strong". Monthly monolithic releases where you change 5-10 things about the way a weapon works (LRMs, in this case) are never going to work very well. IMO you should respond more quickly (weekly or even every few days) and with much smaller changesets (change one variable, not X variables). I'm guessing you already know this; and I'm just wasting your time by stating it -- but I'm quite unclear as to why you clearly aren't doing it. The LRM changes should have been phased out over a month's time, bit by bit -- both to cut down on "flavour of the month" and to allow the changes some time to exhibit themselves so that you know what needs to be changed next.
While I think that LRMs are a little powerful at the moment; they are only so powerful/so irritating because everyone and their dog are using them: they are the flavour of the month, because you buffed a whole bunch of things about them rather than making small, incremental changes. In such a situation, any possible weapon balance issues are made all the worse because it is compounded so many times.
Not much to add to this comment:
Exactly declared all PROBLEMS and also INCLUDES the SOLUTION.
Needs only to be reprogrammed back again....
- ECM is now useless (neighter can it save my Atlas, nor my team.
- My Atlas is reaped apart only on CT by Missiles
- All Missiles hit! In Battle-Tech (if i remember it right) it mean dicing one 6 then another 6 then 20 .... now we have it all the time.
The only thing is good is the flight path as in Battle-Tech you could also blind fire and hit an area (the only thing good about that patch)...
The next patch-fix is for Friday PGI?