On 5/21, the Skjaldborg Mercenary Company - with permission from the Trondheim Government - established the first 'Ghost Bear Natural Wildlife Refuge' on the outskirts of Misby Flats today, in an area known as the 'Lava Web'.
When asked about the establishment of this incredible accomplishment of military environmental awareness and political activism, Garrison Commander Flessar replied, "This species is so rare, we [The Skjaldborg] in fact had no knowledge of its existence but a few weeks ago. The discovery has many merits on this world, for if we found these specimens here, they could be elsewhere! Who knows how they've eluded study for so long, or even what their impacts are on the environment!"
When asked for more details about the habitat, Flessar was happy to explain. "You see, just yesterday we had the unfortunate encounter with this majestic creatures. It was our [the Skjaldborg's] first time seeing them up close, though we had reports from the militia who were the first to comment on the bear's prowess However, when we tried to trap and tag the creatures for study they unfortunately made their way - rather quickly - over a section of unstable land, and fell to their deaths in a pit of lava. Truly a disappointing loss. However, since we found them in the area we can only assume they might live in the area. Therefore, establishing a protected area was naturally the next course of action until we can study them in a safer environment."
Flessar commented that they would, if possible, like to tag one of the 'Alphas'. "Though mostly solitary, they do at times seem to congregate in groups of five. We think this may be a primitive 'pack' mentality. We'd like to see if they have leaders, and if so tag them and observe how they engage with the pack. Females are also preferable, as they seem to be particularly aggressive."
Flessar added while they cannot confirm it on so little data, following similar animal behaviors his science team suspects the females may be in a period of 'heat'.
"Needless to say, we're certainly excited and we hope to learn more in the coming days and weeks."
Currently, the boundaries of the habitat are unincorporated while scientists attempt to determine the bear's range. A temporary sign has been placed in the vicinity of the 'Lava Web' area reading:
“Ghost Bear Natural Habitat: The Ghost Bear is a dislocated and endangered species. Their habitat is rapidly disappearing due to volatile land erosion. Please DO NOT FEED the bears.”
-TL,DR : Your exclusive Trondheim News Service.
Edited by Trondheim Live Daily Report, 21 May 2013 - 05:13 PM.