The support weapon ( LRM'S ) has just been promoted to an Assault Class Weapon
I can put a volley from my cat k2 of dual ac20's into a commando and it can run away maybe with a slight limp but run away all the same,
1 volley from my cat c4 with dual Lrm 15's into a commando will destroy the commando in the same fashion as 6 x streak srm's used too, it just goes pop lolz.
So jump on the band wagon, drop your ballistics and lasers, put your gauss's back on the shelf and go get your self as many Lrms as you can muster, then some tag and narc and abit of artemis and your fit for battle.
I really do feel sorry for the random group players now as organised groups will demonstrate quite freely how the new LRM tweak will dominate the battlefield, so if your a player that drops with random groups i really cant see the game being much fun for you guys, but for those sitting back with their feet up in an lrm boat the game couldnt get any easier.
By the sounds of it this is how the dev's want the Lrm's to be so i cant see there being any nerfs to the LRM any time soon, so join in with the LRM's it's the way the game is going