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The "oh Noes" Report

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#1 Mister Blastman


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Posted 21 May 2013 - 06:22 PM

Duncan Fisher here, bringing YOU the latest in Mechwarrior News.

Today those rascals at PGI gave us yet another patch. With it promised great things. We had the BlackJack to look forward to and a great new desert map. Lots of balance tweaks to our weaponry were also on their way.

Well, I'm here to tell you the only thing on the way right now is missiles. Lots of stinking... smelly... horrific... missiles. Right into your center torso.

That's right, Warriors. If you've got a center torso you've got a new home for all those LRMs. Because that's right where they're going and nowhere else. If you get that missile detected, kiss that torso goodbye. You're a goner.

Nevermind the SRM buff that was supposed to happen. It didn't. SRMs are as weak as ever. The buff might get here... one of these days. I don't know when.

And the matchmaker. Oh boy, that's something different completely. Before you'd get underhivers on your team about 50% of the time. Well, I'm here to report after 7 games I got underhivers on my team 7 times. That's right, folks. Incompetence is everywhere. It isn't about your individual skill anymore. No, the developers put a random number generator into the game. Now you get screwed over and there's nothing you can do about it.

They all just... die. And then you're there. Standing all alone in a corner with six missile boats dripping their fangs and a light mech to help direct the onslaught. What are you gonna do?

Die. Yes, Warriors. Die. Die a lot. And there's nothing you can do about it. The fate of the game decided it before you even got in your mech. You're saddled with bad pilots and there's nowhere to go. That is, unless you get lucky. It might happen. You _might_ get a good team. And you might not. I don't know what they changed here but they did something very bad with it.

So folks, Duncan here advises either learn to LRM boat or take a long break from the game. PGI managed to hire some brilliant programmers because they just keep messing up and breaking things. Things that were tested for extra weeks. Things that just... well, got overlooked. Again. For the hundredth time. What are we going to do?

This Duncan is signing out for a while. Grab your helmets, guys. This one... is a doozie.

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#2 Avimimus


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Posted 21 May 2013 - 06:42 PM

Well, the thing to do is to move between cover - never exposing yourself to the LRM boats for a prolonged period of time.

Kinda using shields against archers or cover against suppressing fire.

#3 Flux Reversal


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Posted 21 May 2013 - 06:51 PM

I haven't even played the new patch yet. Heck I was excited just reading the notes. But there appears to be an onslaught of overwhelming unified opinion that the game is getting worse.

#4 Warlune


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Posted 21 May 2013 - 07:07 PM

You are an awful Duncan Fisher. Stop.

#5 Commander Kobold


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Posted 21 May 2013 - 07:38 PM

Missiles aren't all hitting center torso, splash dmg is acting funky again (mind you it could be worse), also missiles only have the sharp drop if fired indirectly.

and if you're getting "The Bads" on your team maybe you play better and bump your ELO up.

#6 Mister Blastman


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Posted 21 May 2013 - 07:45 PM

View PostWarlune, on 21 May 2013 - 07:07 PM, said:

You are an awful Duncan Fisher. Stop.

An awful Duncan Fisher for an awful patch. It wasn't like I was trying or anything.

View PostOmni 13, on 21 May 2013 - 07:38 PM, said:

Missiles aren't all hitting center torso, splash dmg is acting funky again (mind you it could be worse), also missiles only have the sharp drop if fired indirectly.

and if you're getting "The Bads" on your team maybe you play better and bump your ELO up.

I'm a nub. What can I do? I'm a the world's most terrible Mechwarrior pilot, didn't you know?

#7 Osis


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 07:23 AM

Impossible to tell if the BlackJack is worth owning, had to put 3 tons of AMS ammo on it to slow down the rain of missiles. Why in the hell do they not test these patches before they release them. Again, taking a break until they fix the stupid mess they made again. Backed up against a wall in "The Trench", missiles coming straight down from above and I am toast because I ran out of 3000 rounds of AMS? Are you kidding me?

#8 sgt scout


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 07:55 AM

I realy didnt like the srm nerf a few patches ago as it just let people pop tart all game with no real threat of a light or mid with a few 6 packs sneaking up on them and striping rear armour down nice and quick. LRMs where also a joke doing nothing noticable to armour.

But this !!! This patch is an even bigger fail, missiles are hitting centre torso and thats it. I striped down my d-dc and straped on 3 lrm 15s and a couple of tags, i was untouchable, 2 atlases wher infront of me, a d-dc and a rs, i took both of them out without them getting through my torso armour.

Lights get demolished even quicker, jenners seem to go down in one salvo, prehaps its there big serface area on top ???

#9 $imon Osis


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 08:33 AM

you know when i first heard about MWO i was like most BT junkie's out their i was thrilled.

that being said i would still love nothing more then to see MWO get it together and learn what they are doing so they may be a great MW tittle like all those that came before. but it gets more doutfull every patch that comes out, this game was way more of a finished product with far less bugs back in September of last year then it is now.

a week ago i started playing a new game (well new to me). i had heard about it for some time now and had even watched some YOUTUBE vid's and thought that it looked good, but i was already playing MWO so i did not try it out. well due to the endless bugs in MWO i decided to install it an give it a try. you know what i found, i found (to date) the best MechWarrior tittle i have ever played. it is 5X harder then MWO 5X more simulator then MWO and well...just down right BETTER then MWO. and that game would be, thats right boys & girls [color="#0044cc"]MechWarrior: Living Legends[/color]

yes it is kind of a pain in the you know what to install but it is worth the time, and yes it is NOT a free game BUT it is only 20-30 dollors on Amazon and after that lil bit of cash it IS FREE to play. only down side is that atm the player base is really low but thats cuz alot or the MWLL player started playing MWO, but finding servers with ppl is not hard at all.

now IF MWO gets their stuff together and fix's this broke game then i will come back to play it more the MWLL but till then thats where ill b. hope to you you there, here's the (how to install) http://wiki.mechlivi...to_Install_MWLL

I wounder if this post is going to get me banned... o well if it dose, i dont like broke games lol

#10 Kay Oss


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 08:56 AM

ELO's got reset that is why you are seeing noobs in your ranks again. Build your way up to the obvious leet level you deserve and that problem should go away.

Everybody was suffering from LRM withdrawal and they are all boating them with renewed fervor making the slight overpower-ness seem worse than it it really is. I personally only see it being a bit of a problem in maps (ALPINE) where you have little cover (ALPINE). No matter what build you make, there are maps (I HATE ALPINE PEAKS) that will be less than ideal for you. That's how it should be. To me it is a welcome change from the PPC fest we had for the last little while.

#11 RH7N0


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 09:20 AM

To be honest, the entire weapon spamming thing is kinda irritating and has given rise to all manner of cheese, that being said, cheese is fine if it has a decent counter or draw back (which it doesn't really right now). I'm just glad there is something else now to spam instead of the ppc-guass combo (and jumpjets). At least you can actually do something against lurms.

#12 Death Dealer 199


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 09:53 AM

I like the new lrm's.
Fear me sniper and lights.

#13 Zerberus


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 09:58 AM

View PostOZYM4NDI4S, on 21 May 2013 - 06:51 PM, said:

I haven't even played the new patch yet. Heck I was excited just reading the notes. But there appears to be an onslaught of overwhelming unified opinion that the game is getting worse.

Really? To me forum reads like the standard 1A "Every slighted kid is qqing becasue of the patch notes but hasn`t bothered to even install the patch yet" that we get after EVERY patch, regardless of how good it is.

As usual, some of it is actually true, many parts of it are outright lies like flamers causing stunlocks or facing 10 ppc stalkers, refusal to read what the devs said before the patch (for ex. the no SSRM hotfix whining), and most of it is highly exaggerated because flaming and whining is easier when you lie on the ground and call the molehill a mountain because it`s over your head now.

The ONLY patch I`ve ever seen post CB that was not accompanied by a QQ tsunami was the HUD Hotfix.

I play matches in ALL of my mechs before even thinking about posting on patchday, becasue if I`m going to say something, it helps to know what I`m talking about. Unfortunately, many don`t see it that way and prefer to "Whine, Whine, Patch, Whine, logout, Whine" instead of "Read, Install, Play, Comment" :P

#14 GizmoGecko


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 10:08 AM

I understand the pain. Of course if I ever whimsically wonder into an open plain, I'm taking a risk, and those lrms will spank me hard.

However, what I discovered after the patch is that the flight paths and speed of the lrms have changed, and I don't know if it's just me, but they seem to climb very high out of view and over what I used to use as cover (twice to triple the height of my Highlander.

The only cover able to shield me from lrms now is from a cave or behind a very large sun-blocking mountain. For me, maps seem to have changed significantly.

Edited by GizmoGecko, 22 May 2013 - 10:09 AM.

#15 WiIIiam


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 12:48 PM

View PostSimon Osis, on 22 May 2013 - 08:33 AM, said:

you know when i first heard about MWO i was like most BT junkie's out their i was thrilled.

that being said i would still love nothing more then to see MWO get it together and learn what they are doing so they may be a great MW tittle like all those that came before. but it gets more doutfull every patch that comes out, this game was way more of a finished product with far less bugs back in September of last year then it is now.

a week ago i started playing a new game (well new to me). i had heard about it for some time now and had even watched some YOUTUBE vid's and thought that it looked good, but i was already playing MWO so i did not try it out. well due to the endless bugs in MWO i decided to install it an give it a try. you know what i found, i found (to date) the best MechWarrior tittle i have ever played. it is 5X harder then MWO 5X more simulator then MWO and well...just down right BETTER then MWO. and that game would be, thats right boys & girls [color=#0044cc]MechWarrior: Living Legends[/color]

yes it is kind of a pain in the you know what to install but it is worth the time, and yes it is NOT a free game BUT it is only 20-30 dollors on Amazon and after that lil bit of cash it IS FREE to play. only down side is that atm the player base is really low but thats cuz alot or the MWLL player started playing MWO, but finding servers with ppl is not hard at all.

now IF MWO gets their stuff together and fix's this broke game then i will come back to play it more the MWLL but till then thats where ill b. hope to you you there, here's the (how to install) http://wiki.mechlivi...to_Install_MWLL

I wounder if this post is going to get me banned... o well if it dose, i dont like broke games lol

Posted earlier this year about MWLL


MWLL is pretty much dead, no new support for it. IGP flexed their muscles and that's the end of it.

#16 Lukoi Banacek


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 01:47 PM

All of our Elo scores got reset? When did that happen? Was that in the patch and I just missed it in the notes? (entirely possible)

#17 Volt Corsair


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 02:10 PM

I still want video evidence of the LRM OPness people are whining about. Seriously, go get Fraps, record the training grounds in an LRM boat, and prove that the missile fix is indeed OP.

View PostWill I Am, on 22 May 2013 - 12:48 PM, said:

Posted earlier this year about MWLL


MWLL is pretty much dead, no new support for it. IGP flexed their muscles and that's the end of it.

The merge was voluntary. >.> You can probably ask Phil about it since he helped work on MWLL.

#18 Lorcan Lladd


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 02:39 PM

View PostGizmoGecko, on 22 May 2013 - 10:08 AM, said:

I understand the pain. Of course if I ever whimsically wonder into an open plain, I'm taking a risk, and those lrms will spank me hard.

However, what I discovered after the patch is that the flight paths and speed of the lrms have changed, and I don't know if it's just me, but they seem to climb very high out of view and over what I used to use as cover (twice to triple the height of my Highlander.

The only cover able to shield me from lrms now is from a cave or behind a very large sun-blocking mountain. For me, maps seem to have changed significantly.

From what I've heard other players say and have also experienced first hand, in this new patch LRMs have a much higher flight arc as long as they're fired indirectly - that is to say, as long as the target is spotted and targeted by a friendly unit, not the LRM unit itself.
This allows the missiles to ignore short cover with the aid of a spotter.

This is probably meant to act as a counter to poptarts, which are usually equipped with only one or two jump jets and as such must seek out short cover from which they can pop out sporadically.
It is possible to use torso-twisting to somewhat distribute incoming damage from snipers but LRMs all seem to track and hit the front Center Torso no matter what, in a fashion similar to SSRMs.

That could be problematic.

Right now, the 'safest' way to play is to stick to tall cover and defend against the occasional flanking maneuvers as the enemy forces are culled.
Other issues aside, I think gameplay is likely to become even more static than it was in previous patches.

Edited by Lorcan Lladd, 22 May 2013 - 02:41 PM.

#19 sgt scout


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 03:35 PM

^ good post, to the point and all very true, good evaluation on the pop tart missile thing. Unfortunatly if this was ment to happen i think it is a pore decision as a large mejorety of the cover is fairly small.

#20 $imon Osis


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 04:50 PM

View PostWill I Am, on 22 May 2013 - 12:48 PM, said:

Posted earlier this year about MWLL


MWLL is pretty much dead, no new support for it. IGP flexed their muscles and that's the end of it.

yes its dovelepment got shut down cuz PGI knew that if those guys decided to make it a full on stand alone game no one in there right mind would keep playing MWO (with the state that its in atm). so other then the fact that its dovelopment got shut down due to pinis envy, the game is alive it just has a samll player base real small. but even as a mod and even as a beta it is still 10X better of a game then this is....true stroy.

play it and you will see that the only ppl that would stay with MWO (with the way it is now) are the "NEW PLAYER BASE" that PGI was affter, but all the die hard BT junkies who know this game is on a corse to go down in flams if they dont strighten out their stuff would go to MWLL.

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