Posted 29 May 2013 - 05:05 PM
Reserving a spot in this topic because there about 10,000 words I could say about this, but the energy just isn't there.
I just want to point out that UT is #22 on this list and MWO is #19. I'd also like to point out that system shock isn't on it, yet bioshock is. I'd also like to point out that Duke3D is not present, neither is Quake 1, neither is Red Faction (first one was very innovative), neither is any serious sam (which I wouldn't put in a top 20 list but it's hell of a lot more of a shooter than MWO), that Starsiege: Tribes isn't on the list, neither is Tribes 2, or Tribes Vengeance, but only Tribes: Ascend (despite it being arguably the weakest in the series). No Jedi Knight games are on the list (Dark Forces, JKII, etc), no DESCENT is on the list, the first farcry is missing, the first max payne is missing, the first CoD is missing (honestly, the first one actually was groundbreaking in 2003).
I could go on. Ghost Recon isn't on the list, Rainbow Six isn't on the list, Crysis 1 isn't on the list, Doom 2 / TNT / Plutonia, Heretic, Hexen, Blood, Wolf3d, Shadow Warrior, MoH:AA, Doom 3, Deus Ex, etc.
And TF2 was #1. Again, Unreal Tournament is at #22. Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl is at #6.
I could probably write a 20 page MLA format essay on why Halo might be the worst thing to ever happen to the FPS genre, and I would still put the PC version of Halo: Combat Evolved above MWO.