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#1 Baphomech


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Posted 10 April 2013 - 07:01 PM

Shield Brothers,

Let us gather in the longhouse, and tell tales of courage and victory. May the best stories be saluted with images of Nordic revelry (ie. drinking and victorious warriors), as we begin a fine tradition amongst the warriors of the FRR (as well as those who fight by our side).

There we dropped in Caustic Valley; begin our march we did
One army against another; no more, no less
Unto the caldera we set about, but our enemies did not appear
Then like a mighty storm, their fire came upon us
Perched upon the far hill, they all struck as one
Pinned we were, within the raging heat
Unable to strike, as death waited over the rim
But then I looked upon the map, and saw the way
And I said to my fellows, for our time was dire:
“Our hope is to fall back, and then sweep down through the three line”
For to flank them was our only chance, lest we die like dogs
But none paid heed to my words, all save for one
“I think you are right; I will follow you”
Thus came the words of Plasmoid Pixel, a brave and noble lone wolf
And so, we two fell back, and swept around to advance up the ridge
Marched we did, with all due speed, until we came upon a Trebuchet
With mighty blows we hammered him, until he fell to our guns
Closer now, to their base we were, but our fellows were not found
Alone now, we final two, as our foes again were upon us
Four against our Cataphracts; Hunchback, Cicada and Jagermechs
Fought hard we did against these fiends, and down the Hunchback went
But their attentions were on me, and thus my steed did suffer
All weapons gone and no armor to spare; I knew what had to be done
Into the fray I plunged, and stood the wrath of the Jaeger's guns
Though my mech did fall to his fury, his massive guns went silent
So there I watched, as Plasmoid stood against the three
His ammo spent and weapons gone; only two pulsing mediums remained
But with deftness and precision, he struck against these curs
First one Jagermech did fall; its arms thrown up to the sky as it slammed to earth
Then the other which struck me down, how Plasmoid did shoot with care
Every time scoring on its center, until finally it could fight no more
Then only the Cicada remained, a fleeting devil of a mech
Though it darted this way and that, Pixel stood steadfast
But then it fled around the hill, seeing it was outmatched
And so our hero did march upon their base, as it was ripe for plunder
He began to wait, the counter ticking down
When again, that spawn of Loki did descend
But damaged as he was, Plasmoid stood with courage
His fire rained upon the devil, striking again and again
Until, at last, the Cicada did succumb, tumbling to the ground
And how glorious it was, that we did see this victory
Those who stood as witness, we did cheer Plasmoid Pixel for his achievement
“That felt good” he said, as the match did close
Hail to Plasmoid Pixel, a great Mechwarrior among us!

#2 joedawg39s


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Posted 10 April 2013 - 08:58 PM

A great battle friend, worthy of mighty Odin’s gaze.
Months ago I was doing solo work securing the borders of the republic. I found myself on patrol with a lance of FRR regulars and a small group of mercenaries. We were on patrol in a mountain range on a small border world searching for a group of well equipped raiders that had been terrorizing the local traders. After one to many lost shipments we were sent in to resolve the issue.
After a day of searching we found the pirates operating out of an old coms facility on a mountain top. After a quick recon we confirmed what several had feared, the pirates were being supplied by House Steiner, a lance of Steiner mechs was leading the pirates. After talking it over we decided to take them down quickly so as not to start an interstellar incident.
Finishing them was easier than expected; we immediately took to the high ground and got in position to concentrate fire on their assault mechs. Even the mightiest atlas can only stand up to organized fire for so long. After taking out the Steiner dogs leading them the remaining bandits fell to our charge. Withering from the combined power of the mighty KungsArmé We didn’t loose a single man on that operation and were able to expose the treachery of the “noble” houses. They will surely sing of our deeds in Valhalla.

#3 Baphomech


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Posted 10 April 2013 - 10:52 PM

View Postjoedawg39s, on 10 April 2013 - 08:58 PM, said:

A great battle friend, worthy of mighty Odin’s gaze.
Months ago I was doing solo work securing the borders of the republic. I found myself on patrol with a lance of FRR regulars and a small group of mercenaries. We were on patrol in a mountain range on a small border world searching for a group of well equipped raiders that had been terrorizing the local traders. After one to many lost shipments we were sent in to resolve the issue.
After a day of searching we found the pirates operating out of an old coms facility on a mountain top. After a quick recon we confirmed what several had feared, the pirates were being supplied by House Steiner, a lance of Steiner mechs was leading the pirates. After talking it over we decided to take them down quickly so as not to start an interstellar incident.
Finishing them was easier than expected; we immediately took to the high ground and got in position to concentrate fire on their assault mechs. Even the mightiest atlas can only stand up to organized fire for so long. After taking out the Steiner dogs leading them the remaining bandits fell to our charge. Withering from the combined power of the mighty KungsArmé We didn’t loose a single man on that operation and were able to expose the treachery of the “noble” houses. They will surely sing of our deeds in Valhalla.

Posted Image

Enjoy your mead!

Soon enough, we will be plundering the great riches the Steiner dogs sit upon!

#4 DegeneratePervert


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Posted 10 April 2013 - 11:10 PM

Numbered three, We were raiding the town of river city,
We lept about the buildings, our mechs all spider-ey!
Coming across a Kurita lance of Craven 3Ls,
We let loose a series of mighty yells!
Vowing to send their cheese down to the depths of the most terrible hells!
Our mobility was true, and our strikes were fierce,
Our Laser weapons and machine guns, their puny hulls did pierce!
Three Kurita dogs died, and we could hear the sweet lamentations of their women,
the final foe was stripp'd, but we decided he was not good for killin'.
He was their only brave mate, with his Raven 4X,
His weapons rang true, and provided an excellent warrior's test!
We stripped him bare and let him despair, thinking his death had come at last,
but we open'd comm channels, and offered him aboslution, provided he thought fast.
We gave him the chance to join our band, of manly merry viking boys,
provided, of course, that he abandoned his lowly Kurita friends, and their cheesy wussy toys.
So he joined us, and now we are numbered four!
Three spiders and a raven, forevermore!

#5 Baphomech


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Posted 11 April 2013 - 07:34 AM

View PostDegeneratePervert, on 10 April 2013 - 11:10 PM, said:

Numbered three, We were raiding the town of river city,
We lept about the buildings, our mechs all spider-ey!
Coming across a Kurita lance of Craven 3Ls,
We let loose a series of mighty yells!
Vowing to send their cheese down to the depths of the most terrible hells!
Our mobility was true, and our strikes were fierce,
Our Laser weapons and machine guns, their puny hulls did pierce!
Three Kurita dogs died, and we could hear the sweet lamentations of their women,
the final foe was stripp'd, but we decided he was not good for killin'.
He was their only brave mate, with his Raven 4X,
His weapons rang true, and provided an excellent warrior's test!
We stripped him bare and let him despair, thinking his death had come at last,
but we open'd comm channels, and offered him aboslution, provided he thought fast.
We gave him the chance to join our band, of manly merry viking boys,
provided, of course, that he abandoned his lowly Kurita friends, and their cheesy wussy toys.
So he joined us, and now we are numbered four!
Three spiders and a raven, forevermore!

Posted Image

Here, here! A mighty victory against the samurai-men of the Combine!

#6 ValdnadHartagga


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Posted 11 April 2013 - 10:06 AM

I got laid last night!

#7 Caleb Brightmore


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Posted 16 May 2013 - 07:29 PM

The following events just happened in the Forest Colony.
I tell this tale because it brought Honor to the FRR as respected warriors.
The match was as follows me and 7 pugs vs maybe 3/4 faction members and pugs.
Anyways we start off fine then tied then it's 6 kills them to 5 kills us so I head to cap in my SDR-5D/ 1x ERPPC.
As I step on the cap the score goes 7-5 them followed by "base is being captured!!!!!".
I immediately run through the cap and announce on open coms....." I have an SDR-5D step off of the cap and come fight ECM is off.
They immediately came off the cap when my ECM went down and they could see me speeding at them shooting just to get thier attention.
It was me and my trusty 5D-"ECHO" v.s. a Cicada,Trebuchet, and a Stalker.
In the end I died but not before crippling everyone of their mechs save for the Trebuchet I believe although he got a little leg wobble from my ERPPC ;)
Final tally 422 damage 1 kill 1 assist and it took them about 3-4 minutes to kill me and I was not "fresh" going into that fight as the Cicada and I had been dueling for almost the whole match.
The point of the story was that everyone fought well, hard, and for once Assault was an Assault not a cap race.
For those who came off of that cap although I do not know any of your names....I salute you.
Thank you for match Ladies and Gentleman it was an Honor and an Honor to fly the FRR Flag while doing it. :wub:
Well Played everyone and kudos to that Cicada Pilot you made me look rookieish a few times with my wild ERPPC shots well played sir or mam well played. :)

Edited by Caleb Brightmore, 16 May 2013 - 07:30 PM.

#8 Liquid Leopard


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Posted 17 May 2013 - 05:29 PM

My experience has been that a team with a lot of FRR players is not an automatic win.
That made my recent match all the sweeter...

I dropped into a pug, and we had a team of 6 FRR players (or was it 7?) and one Davion misfit.
It was an Assault game, at Alpine Peaks.

We pwned the other team, killing all 8 of them for 1 loss.
For once, I wasn't the one loss! My Catapult K2 (Eldingar) made it through the match with superficial damage.
I confess my survival involved a fighting retreat around a hill when 4 heavy and assault mechs tried to flank us.
By the time I came around the other side of the hill (catching up with my teamates) about half the enemies had already been killed.
I suppose I'm not that good a player...I'm happy with my 168 points of damage and 4 kill assists. Good start to my evening. :ph34r:


Edited by Liquid Leopard, 17 May 2013 - 08:47 PM.

#9 Warge


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Posted 20 May 2013 - 04:15 PM

There was battle at Tourmaline Desert...

Form the start I separated form my team: they all went left, I'm - to the right. Just don't know what I was thinking going solo in Ilya Muromets? I was almost at the enemy base when I spotted LRM's smoky tralis on my left shoulder. I went there to investigate and find lonley-lonley enemy's Catapult at firing range. This can hardly be called a fight... few seconds after arrived Commando (I think he come to avenge Catapult's premature death). First volley shot off his leg, second - ended his miserable existence. Something told me to turn around... I made 180 degree turn and and found myself facing very-very-very angry Atlas (he had reason to be angry, I say). "This is the end", I thought and start shooting from all weapons at once. It was my luck and "focus fire"... Atlas's right shoulder lost all his armor and showed me the place of application commendable efforts. And I did it. My luck was still with me: Atlas was equiped with XL engine. ;)
There only two enemy mechs left so I went to my group to add two cents into main battle. There were another Catapult with "red" torso and back so she got last shells form my triple UAC/5s. I stayed with 3MLs and felt pretty useless at this celebration of life. This depressed I was back to the last enemy mech ... and then suddenly the battle was over. 4 kills, 2 assists (don't understand how I got THIS), 880 damage done.

Epic battle? No. But lots of fun and lots to tell local girls in bars while drinking mead. :D

Edited by Warge, 20 May 2013 - 05:40 PM.

#10 Vhetra


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Posted 20 May 2013 - 04:54 PM

The peaks so high,
of Alpine seed,
all out were we,
of sacred mead.

So we set forth,
Our 'mechs ran hot,
Into the North,
Where mountains dot.

Dragon's roar,
With Stalkers too,
Highlanders soar,
The Jenners flew!

Our battle cry,
And knew that we,
Would never die.

Two full lance,
We came upon,
the battle dance,
had just begun.

missiles scream,
and cannons burst,
Laser beam,
Dual 20's hurt.

In dark hour,
A hero rose,
To bear his power,
and crush his foes.

'twas I, you see,
with five dead to my fame,
as I shouted with glee,
and cried Odin's name!

tl;dr: Alpine Peaks, running my HM(2xLL,2xSSRM2,Gauss) I managed to clean house with 4 consecutive and 1 extra kill. Was a glorious time.

Edited by Vhetra, 20 May 2013 - 04:55 PM.

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