(not an RPer)
a bit about myself, i have played all of the mechwarrior games except the first one and mech A.... which i will not name, and the FRR has always held a soft spot in my heart, since i have a big interest in ancient myth and history, so when i first heard about the FRR in the BT universe i was hooked.
heres some backrground about my merc company fiction, more will be added as time goes on
HHC is one of the smaller family run mercenary companies founded by, "The Ice Man" Danilo Hrabarchuk in 3028.
HHC had a reputation for its courage, honesty, loyalty and absolute zero tolerance towards mistreatment of any kind. They would go as far as taking matters and law into their own hands if mistreatment was witnessed and it cast them somewhat of a ruthless image. But the unit was ignored this image that was cast onto them because of their beliefs. Impressions on the field however were mixed, they were labeled as a "rag-tag band of do gooders," despite not backing down from a fight
When the unit was not fighting they were known humanitarians and would help the normal folk even as far as common labor, and would refuse all payment offers from the people they helped which put them in the media wherever they went.
They always had a few spare mechs on hand for extra people if needed, they encouraged the use of self expression on the individual mechs which resulted in some very colorful painted mechs joining their ranks. The command structure of HHC was very loose and informal to try and make it as much as a family environment as possible..
WIP and more to come.....
Edited by Dan the Ice Man, 06 June 2013 - 10:06 PM.