Vodrin Thales, on 31 May 2013 - 07:03 AM, said:
I disagree. Prior to the buffs to PPC's you almost never saw a poptart sniper, despite the cataphract 3D being available as an ideal platform. We had the same quality of convergence then as now, and it really wasn't any more difficult to snipe at range, but because PPC's were relatively less effective, and players were generally reluctant to put a gauss in the RT of 3D you saw very few jump snipers.
Now missiles are less effective and PPC's are much more effective. This is the largest factor driving the current meta, not convergence. Increase the heat generation on PPC's again and I think you will see a significant shift in the meta, especially if jump jet shake is folded in. Create greater penalties for overheating (I favor forcing shut down until heat drops to 70%, and heat causing internal damage if you overheat twice without allowing heat to drop to 25%) as well and boating high heat weapons will become much less popular.
Increasing the heat isn't enough. MWO has a broken heat system to begin with.
Take Mechwarrior Living Legends, for instance. If you fire two ERPPCs... your heat is instantly maxxed out. Fire them again... you're dead. The heat scale is based on 30 points and getting hot has REAL penalties in that game.
Not in MWO. This 60 - 70 point heat scale here is bogus.
So you raise their heat, people will /still/ be able to fire more often than they should and still have precision damage from far away which totally goes against the spirit of Battletech.
It is better to get over the pain and agony and:
a. Implement a true Battletech heat scale with penalties
b. Implement a true system of convergence as I proposed MULTIPLE times in the past which will dramatically improve the game and stop this weapon balance dance.
Being able to do 30 - 45 points of damage to a single panel on a mech from 800 meters away with the only skill required being a simple button click... that's ridiculous. Battletech was never meant to work like that.
Put /skill/ back in the game.