Geist Null, on 07 June 2012 - 10:18 AM, said:
idk if cost balances would be enough to counter all the laser boats

omni boater: I alpha you with my gajillion lazors! muwhahaha!
<Fires da lazors!>
<Heat Level Critical>
<Critical Heat Level Exceeded>
omni boater: waaaaahhhh!
It's a balance area; omni hardpoints are more flexible, but the weight of the pods themselves may be the cost. Or they use more critical slots, or whatever. WIth every mech of any kind, more weight or slots in weapons means less weight or slots for armour and heat sinks.
Actually, developing the "omni hardpoints use more critical slots"; you could argue that an omni-hardpoint uses the same number of critical slots regardless of the pod. It's "hard wired" into the mech.
Like a memory slot in a PC; it makes no odds how many gigabytes the module (read "weapon in the pod") you put in it, the slot is occupied or empty and takes up the same amount of physical space on the motherboard ("critical slots on the mech chassis") regardless.
Not saying I have the answer, just that there are always checks and balances.